function chado_get_token_value

2.x chado_get_token_value($token_info, $node, $options = array())
3.x chado_get_token_value($token_info, $node, $options = array())

Retrieve the value of the token from the node based on the $token_info['location']


$token_info: An array of information about the token including: -table: the name of the chado table -field: the name of the field in the above table -token: the token string (ie: [stock.stock_id]) -description: a very short description of the token (displayed when tokens are listed) -location: the location of the value in a chado node variable with each level separated by an arrow (>) symbol. For example, the location for $node->feature->type_id->name is feature>type_id>name @param $node The node to get the value of the token

Return value

The value of the token

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legacy/tripal_core/api/, line 1329
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function chado_get_token_value($token_info, $node, $options = array()) {

  $token = $token_info['token'];
  $table = $token_info['table'];
  $var = $node;

  $supress_errors = (isset($options['supress_errors'])) ? $options['supress_errors'] : FALSE;

  // Iterate through each portion of the location string. An example string
  // might be:  stock > type_id > name.
  $location = explode('>', $token_info['location']);
  foreach ($location as $index) {
    $index = trim($index);

    // if $var is an object then it is the $node object or a table
    // that has been expanded.
    if (is_object($var)) {
      // check to see if the index is a member of the object. If so,
      // then reset the $var to this value.
      if (property_exists($var, $index)) {
        $var = $var->$index;
      else {
        if (!$supress_errors) {
          tripal_report_error('chado_node_api', TRIPAL_WARNING, 
          'Tokens: Unable to determine the value of %token. Things went awry when trying ' .
            'to access \'%index\' for the following: \'%var\'.', 
          array('%token' => $token, '%index' => $index, '%var' => print_r($var, TRUE))
        return '';
    // if the $var is an array then there are multiple instances of the same
    // table in a FK relationship (e.g. relationship tables)
    elseif (is_array($var)) {
      $var = $var[$index];
    else {
      if (!$supress_errors) {
        tripal_report_error('chado_node_api', TRIPAL_WARNING, 
        'Tokens: Unable to determine the value of %token. Things went awry when trying ' .
          'to access \'%index\' for the following: \'%var\'.', 
        array('%token' => $token, '%index' => $index, '%var' => print_r($var, TRUE))
      return '';
  return $var;