function chado_node_add_token_format

2.x chado_node_add_token_format($application, $content_type, $format, $tokens)
3.x chado_node_add_token_format($application, $content_type, $format, $tokens)

Save a format to be used by chado_get_node_title() or chado_get_node_url()


$application: What the format is to be applied to. For example 'title' for generating node titles and 'path' for generating node paths

$content_type: The name of the content type this format applies to (ie: $node->type)

$format: A string including tokens used to generate the title/path (which is based on $application)

$tokens: An array of tokens generated by chado_node_generate_tokens(). This is saved to ensure the tokens that are available when the format is created are still available when it's used

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legacy/tripal_core/api/, line 1093
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function chado_node_add_token_format($application, $content_type, $format, $tokens) {

  if (is_array($tokens)) {
    $tokens = serialize($tokens);

  $record = array(
    'content_type' => $content_type,
    'application' => $application,
    'format' => $format,
    'tokens' => $tokens

  // Check if it already exists
  $id = db_query('SELECT tripal_format_id FROM {tripal_token_formats} WHERE content_type=:type AND application=:application', array(':type' => $record['content_type'], ':application' => $record['application']))->fetchField();
  if ($id) {
    drupal_write_record('tripal_token_formats', $record, array('content_type', 'application'));
  else {
    drupal_write_record('tripal_token_formats', $record);
