function chado_node_get_location_from_token

2.x chado_node_get_location_from_token($token)
3.x chado_node_get_location_from_token($token)

Returns the "location" as specified in the token information based on the token.

1 call to chado_node_get_location_from_token()
tripal_core_get_token_value_for_property in legacy/tripal_core/includes/
Retrieve values for all tokens for an entity property getter function.


legacy/tripal_core/api/, line 1522
Contains API functions to set titles and paths for all chado nodes


function chado_node_get_location_from_token($token) {

  if (is_array($token) and isset($token['location'])) {
    return $token['location'];
  // If we have been given the token as a string, we can still determine the location
  // but it takes more work...
  // First, lets clarify what the location is: the location shows which keys in which
  // order need to be travelled in order to access the value. For example, the token
  // [feature.organism_id>organism.genus] would have a location of
  // feature > organism_id > genus to show that the value is at
  // $node->feature->organism->genus.
  elseif (is_string($token)) {

    // First, lets break down the token into it's parts.
    // 1. Remove containing brackets.
    $parts = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $token);
    // 2. Break into table clauses.
    $parts = explode('>', $parts);
    // 3. Break each table clause into table & field.
    foreach ($parts as $k => $v) {
      $parts[$k] = explode('.', $v);
      if (sizeof($parts[$k]) == 1) {
        $parts[$k] = explode(':', $v);

    // This is a base level field that is not a foreign key.
    if (sizeof($parts) == 1 AND sizeof($parts[0]) == 2) {
      return $parts[0][0] . ' > ' . $parts[0][1];
    // Darn, we have at least one foreign key...
    elseif (sizeof($parts) > 1 AND sizeof($parts[0]) == 2) {
      $location = $parts[0][0] . ' > ' . $parts[0][1];
      foreach ($parts as $k => $p) {
        if ($k != 0 AND isset($p[1])) {
          $location .= ' > ' . $p[1];
      return $location;
    else {
      return FALSE;