function chado_node_get_token_format

2.x chado_node_get_token_format($application, $content_type, $options = array())
3.x chado_node_get_token_format($application, $content_type, $options = array())

Get the format for the given application of a given content type (ie: the feature title)


$application: What the format is to be applied to. For example 'title' for generating node titles and 'path' for generating node paths

$content_type: The name of the content type this format applies to (ie: $node->type)

$options: An array of any of the following options:

  • return_record: if TRUE this will return the entire record rather than just the format string

Return value

A string specifying the format

Related topics

2 calls to chado_node_get_token_format()
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legacy/tripal_core/api/, line 1134
Contains API functions to set titles and paths for all chado nodes


function chado_node_get_token_format($application, $content_type, $options = array()) {

  $format_record = db_select('tripal_token_formats', 't')
    ->condition('content_type', $content_type, '=')
    ->condition('application', $application, '=')

  if (is_object($format_record)) {
    if (isset($options['return_record'])) {
      $format_record->tokens = unserialize($format_record->tokens);
      return $format_record;
    else {
      return $format_record->format;
  else {
    return FALSE;