function chado_node_get_unique_constraint_format

2.x chado_node_get_unique_constraint_format($base_table, $format_type = 'title')
3.x chado_node_get_unique_constraint_format($base_table, $format_type = 'title')

Generate the unique constraint for a given base table using the Chado Schema API definition


$base_table: The base table to generate the unique constraint format for

$format_type: The type of format to return. This should be one of 'title' or 'url'.

Return value

A format string including tokens describing the unique constraint including all name fields

Related topics

2 calls to chado_node_get_unique_constraint_format()
chado_node_get_title_format in legacy/tripal_core/api/
Get the title format for a specific content type
chado_node_get_url_format in legacy/tripal_core/api/
Get the url format for a specific content type


legacy/tripal_core/api/, line 1171
Contains API functions to set titles and paths for all chado nodes


function chado_node_get_unique_constraint_format($base_table, $format_type = 'title') {

  $table_descrip = chado_get_schema($base_table);

  // Find the name/uniquename from the base table
  $names = array();
  foreach ($table_descrip['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
    if (preg_match('/name/', $field_name)) {
      $names[$field_name] = "[$base_table.$field_name]";

  uksort($names, 'tripal_sort_key_length_asc');

  // Get tokens to match the unique key
  $tokens = array();
  foreach ($table_descrip['unique keys'] as $keyset) {
    foreach ($keyset as $key) {
      if (isset($names[$key])) {
        // Do not add it into the tokens if it's already in the names
        // since we don't want it repeated 2X
      elseif ($key == 'type_id') {
        $tokens[$key] = "[$base_table.type_id>]";
      elseif ($key == 'organism_id') {
        $tokens[$key] = "[$base_table.organism_id>organism.abbreviation]";
      else {
        $tokens[$key] = "[$base_table.$key]";

  if ($format_type == 'title') {
    $format = implode(', ', $names) . ' (' . implode(', ', $tokens) . ')';
  elseif ($format_type == 'url') {
    // We don't want to put more than one name in the URL. Thus we are
    // arbitrarily grabbing the longest name token since it it likely the
    // uniquename.
    $format = implode('/', $tokens) . '/' . array_pop($names);
  else {
    $format = FALSE;
    'Unable to determine the format for the unique constraint since the format type (%format-type) is not supported (only "title" and "url" are at this time).', 
    array('%format-type' => $format_type)

  return $format;