function tripal_get_node_variables

2.x tripal_get_node_variables($nid, $name = '', $rank = '')
3.x tripal_get_node_variables($nid, $name = '', $rank = '')

Returns one or more variables assigned to a node.

An array is returned containing an object for each variable assigned to a term that matches the criteria. If a name and rank are provided then the variables returned must match.


$nid: The node ID

$name: Optional. The name of the variable.

$rank: Optional. The rank of the variable to retreive.

Return value

An array of variable objects.

2 calls to tripal_get_node_variables()
chado_phylotree_load in legacy/tripal_phylogeny/includes/
Implements hook_load().
tripal_add_node_variable in legacy/tripal_core/api/
Associates a variable and it's value to a node.


legacy/tripal_core/api/, line 90


function tripal_get_node_variables($nid, $name = '', $rank = '') {
  $variables = array();
  if (!$nid) {
    return $variables;
  $query = db_select('tripal_node_variables', 'tnv')
    ->condition('nid', $nid, '=');
  if ($name) {
    $variable = tripal_get_variable($name);
    $query->condition('variable_id', $variable->variable_id, '=');
  if ($rank) {
    $query->condition('rank', $rank, '=');
  $results = $query->execute();

  // Build the  variables array and return it.
  while ($variable = $results->fetchObject()) {
    $variables[] = $variable;
  return $variables;