function tripal_core_entity_property_info_alter

2.x tripal_core_entity_property_info_alter(&$info)
3.x tripal_core_entity_property_info_alter(&$info)

Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().

This is where we actually add the properties to the node entity in order to indicate which chado fields should be indexed.


legacy/tripal_core/includes/, line 33
Adds support for Drupal indexing of Chado. It's important to note that not all of Chado is indexed but instead Only fields indicated in hook_search_include_chado_fields().


function tripal_core_entity_property_info_alter(&$info) {

  // We provide a hook to allow Tripal admin to easily add fields to the search api.
  // We want to invoke all implementations of that hook now for use below.
  $fields_to_include = module_invoke_all('search_include_chado_fields');
  $fields_to_include = array_unique($fields_to_include);

  // Retrieve information for all nodes.
  // We focus on nodes at this point because we need to link search results back to
  // the entity and we have no entites for non-node chado content in Tripal2.
  $node_info = module_invoke_all('node_info');

  foreach ($node_info as $n) {

    // Now keep in mind this hook is defined for ALL THE NODE TYPES and we only want
    // to add extra support for chado so we onle care about chado node types.
    // We can distinguish chado node types from all others by the existence of
    // the 'chado_node_api' key which is used for all sorts of beautiful tripal/chado
    // node integration (ie: adding properties, relationships and dbxrefs to node forms).
    if (isset($n['chado_node_api'])) {
      $schema = chado_get_schema($n['chado_node_api']['base_table']);

      // Now we are going to start by adding some defaults. It feels safe to say, we
      // probably want to index all the "names" so we are going to look through
      // all the fields and if they contain "name" we are going to add them automatically.
      foreach ($schema['fields'] as $field_name => $details) {

        $machine_name = $n['chado_node_api']['base_table'] . '.' . $field_name;

        // Try to create a readable label.
        $label = ucwords(str_replace(array('.', '_'), ' ', $machine_name));

        // We want to add all name fields and any fields previously indicated to be indexed.
        if (preg_match('/name/', $field_name) OR in_array($machine_name, $fields_to_include)) {

          if (!isset($info['node']['bundles'][$n['base']]['properties'][$machine_name])) {
            $info['node']['bundles'][$n['base']]['properties'][$machine_name] = array(
              'label' => $label,
              'description' => (isset($details['description'])) ? $details['description'] : '',
              'type' => ($details['type'] == 'varchar') ? 'text' : $details['type'],
              'schema field' => '[' . $machine_name . ']',
              // The following getter callback is a generic function that can retrieve
              // values for any chado field.
              'getter callback' => 'tripal_search_chado_token_getter_callback'

      // We want to add any base foreign keys. This allows you to search for all features
      // from a given organism. Furthermore, we want to add a single field for each foreign
      // key that will span content types in order to be exposed as facets.
      foreach ($schema['foreign keys'] as $table => $fk_details) {
        foreach ($fk_details['columns'] as $left_field => $right_field) {

          $machine_name = $n['chado_node_api']['base_table'] . '.' . $left_field;
          $field_details = $schema['fields'][$left_field];

          // Try to create a readable label.
          $label = $table . ' (' . $machine_name . ')';
          if (preg_match('/(\w+)_id/', $left_field, $matches)) {
            // Key only field.
            $key_label = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $matches[1]));

            // Expanded field.
            $label = str_replace('_', ' ', $n['chado_node_api']['base_table']);
            $label .= ' ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $matches[1]);
            $label = ucwords($label);

          $keytoken = '[BASE.' . $left_field . '>' . $table . '.' . $right_field . ']';
          $format = chado_node_get_readable_format($keytoken);

          // First, create the key version. This is best used for facets since it
          // won't/can't be tokenized along with the other fields. This will be shared
          // among node types to facillitate use as a facet.
          $info['node']['properties'][$table . '.' . $right_field . ' key'] = array(
            'label' => $key_label . ' (All Content Types)',
            'description' => (isset($field_details['description'])) ? $field_details['description'] : '',
            'type' => 'text',
            // We include both the token for the current node type and the token for
            // the parent table. That way the organism node will appear in the results
            // for the organism key.
            'schema field' => $format,
            // The following getter callback is a generic function that can retrieve
            // values for any chado foreign key.
            'getter callback' => 'tripal_search_chado_token_across_nodetypes_getter_callback'

          $pretoken = '[' . $n['chado_node_api']['base_table'] . '.' . $left_field . '>' . $table . '.' . $right_field . ']';
          $format = chado_node_get_readable_format($pretoken);

          // Add a more readable version that will be tokenized so users can
          // search for fruitfly and get all features with that as an organism.
          $info['node']['bundles'][$n['base']]['properties'][$machine_name . ' expanded'] = array(
            'label' => $label . ' (Expanded)',
            'description' => (isset($field_details['description'])) ? $field_details['description'] : '',
            'type' => 'text',
            'schema field' => $format,
            // The following getter callback is a generic function that can retrieve
            // values for any chado foreign key.
            'getter callback' => 'tripal_search_chado_token_getter_callback'

  // Provide our own hook for altering properties to make it easier for our users.
  drupal_alter('tripal_search_properties', $info);