function tripal_stock_match_stocks_page

2.x tripal_stock.module tripal_stock_match_stocks_page($id)
3.x tripal_stock.module tripal_stock_match_stocks_page($id)
1.x tripal_stock.module tripal_stock_match_stocks_page($id)
1 string reference to 'tripal_stock_match_stocks_page'
tripal_stock_menu in legacy/tripal_stock/tripal_stock.module
Implements hook_menu(). Adds menu items for the tripal_stock


legacy/tripal_stock/tripal_stock.module, line 314
Basic functionality for stocks


function tripal_stock_match_stocks_page($id) {

  // if the URL alias configuration is set such that the URL
  // always begins with 'stock' then we want to use the ID as it is and
  // forward it on. Otherwise, try to find the matching stock.
  $url_alias = variable_get('chado_stock_url_string', '/stock/[genus]/[species]/[type]/[uniquename]');
  if (!$url_alias) {
    $url_alias = '/stock/[genus]/[species]/[type]/[uniquename]';
  $url_alias = preg_replace('/^\//', '', $url_alias); // remove any preceeding forward slash
  if (preg_match('/^stock\//', $url_alias)) {

  $sql = "
    SELECT, S.uniquename, S.stock_id,
      O.genus, O.species, O.organism_id,
      CVT.cvterm_id, as type_name,
    FROM {stock} S
      INNER JOIN {organism} O on S.organism_id = O.organism_id
      INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT on CVT.cvterm_id = S.type_id
      INNER JOIN [chado_stock] CS on CS.stock_id = S.stock_id
      S.uniquename = :uname or = :name
  $results = chado_query($sql, array(':uname' => $id, ':name' => $id));

  $num_matches = 0;

  // iterate through the matches and build the table for showing matches
  $header = array('Uniquename', 'Name', 'Type', 'Species');
  $rows = array();
  while ($match = $results->fetchObject()) {
    $curr_match = $match;
    $rows[] = array(
      "<a href=\"" . url("node/" . $match->nid) . "\">" . $match->name . "</a>",
      '<i>' . $match->genus . ' ' . $match->species . '</i>',

  // if we have more than one match then generate the table, otherwise, redirect
  // to the matched stock
  if ($num_matches == 1) {
    drupal_goto("node/" . $curr_match->nid);
  if ($num_matches == 0) {
    return "<p>No stocks matched the given name '$id'</p>";

  $table_attrs = array(
    'class' => 'tripal-table tripal-table-horz'
  $output = "<p>The following stocks match the name '$id'.</p>";
  $output .= theme_table($header, $rows, $table_attrs, $caption);
  return $output;