function hook_entity_create

3.x hook_entity_create(&$entity, $entity_type)

Allows a module to make changes to an entity object after creation.

This function is added by Tripal to allow datastore backends to add addition properties to the entity that they themselves will use later.




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1 function implements hook_entity_create()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

tripal_chado_entity_create in tripal_chado/includes/
Implements hook_entity_create().
1 invocation of hook_entity_create()
TripalEntityController::create in tripal/includes/
Create a Tripal data entity


tripal/api/, line 63
Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with TripalEntity content types (bundles) and their entities.


function hook_entity_create(&$entity, $entity_type) {
