function tripal_get_content_types

3.x tripal_get_content_types()

Retrieves a list of the content types.

Return value

An array of bundles. Each bundle is an object containing information about that bundle.

Related topics

3 calls to tripal_get_content_types()
drush_tripal_trp_set_permissions in tripal/
Sets permissions for the content types on the site.
tripal_permission in tripal/tripal.module
Implements hook_permission().
_tripal_entity_add_access in tripal/includes/
A helper function for checking if a user can add Tripal Content.


tripal/api/, line 521
Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with TripalEntity content types (bundles) and their entities.


function tripal_get_content_types() {
  return db_select('tripal_bundle', 'tb')