function tripal_format_views_field_element

3.x tripal_format_views_field_element($field_name, $term)

Formats an element of a TripalField for use by Drupal Views.

Sometimes the value of TripalField can be more than just a single scalar. In this case the value is an array of key value pairs where each key is a controlled vocabulary term. In order to support fields, filtering and sorting by these sub elements using Drupal Views, the TripalField implementation must provide some help to Views by describing these elements, and then implementing a query() function to support them. However, the naming of sub elements must follow a set convention. This function guarantees proper naming for sub elements.


$field_name: The name of the field to which the element belongs.

$term: The term object as returned by tripal_get_term_details();

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function tripal_format_views_field_element($field_name, $term) {
  $element_name = $term['vocabulary']['short_name'] . '__' . $term['accession'];
  return $field_name . '.' . $element_name;