function hook_vocab_select_term_form

3.x hook_vocab_select_term_form(&$form, &$form_state)

Creates a form for specifying a term for TripalEntity creation.

This hook allows the module that implements a vocabulary storage backend to provide the form necessary to select a term that will then be used for creating a new TripalEntity type. Tripal will expect that a 'vocabulary' and 'accession' are in the $form_state['storage'] array. The 'vocabulary' and must be the abbreviated uppercase vocabulary for the vocabulary (e.g. 'RO', 'SO', 'PATO', etc.). The 'accession' must be the unique term ID (or accession) for the term in the vocabulary.




Return value

A form object.

Related topics


tripal/api/, line 84
Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with controlled vocaublary terms.


function hook_vocab_select_term_form(&$form, &$form_state) {

  return $form;