function tripal_get_term_lookup_form

3.x tripal_get_term_lookup_form(&$form, &$form_state, $default_name = '', $title = 'Vocabulary Term', $description = '', $is_required, $field_name = '', $delta = 0)

Provides a term lookup form.

It may be necessary at times for a form to provide to the user the ability to lookup and use a controlled vocabulary term. However, a simple text box or auto-lookup is not sufficient because a term name may be identical in multiple vocabularies and the user would need to select the proper term.

This function will add the form elements necessary to provide a lookup form. The form elements should work with a flat form (no #tree set for the form) or with a form in a TripalField.

Use the tripal_get_term_lookup_form_result() function to retreive the result in a form submit or validate.


$form: The form (or $widget form).

$form_state: The form state.

$title: The title to give to the field set.

$description: A description for the lookup field element.

$is_required: Indicates if this form element is required.

$field_name: The name of the field, if this form is being added to a field widget.

$delta: The delta value for the field if this form is being added to a field widget.

Related topics

1 call to tripal_get_term_lookup_form()
schema__additional_type_widget::form in tripal_chado/includes/TripalFields/schema__additional_type/


tripal/api/, line 585
Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with controlled vocaublary terms.


function tripal_get_term_lookup_form(&$form, &$form_state, $default_name = '', 
$title = 'Vocabulary Term', $description = '', $is_required, 
$field_name = '', $delta = 0) {

  $term_name = $default_name;
  if (array_key_exists('values', $form_state)) {
    $term_name = $form_state['values']['term_name'];
  if ($field_name and array_key_exists('input', $form_state) and array_key_exists($field_name, $form_state['input'])) {
    $term_name = $form_state['input'][$field_name]['und'][$delta]['term_match']['term_name'];

  if (!$description) {
    $description = t('Enter the name of the term that specifies the type. ' .
      'The type must be the name of a term in a controlled vocabulary and ' .
      'the controlled vocabulary should already be loaded into this site.');

  $form_state['storage']['term_match_field'] = $field_name;
  $form_state['storage']['term_match_delta'] = $delta;

  $form['term_match'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#collapsible' => FALSE,
    '#collapsed' => FALSE,
    '#title' => t($title),
    '#prefix' => '<div id = "tripal-vocab-select-form">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
  $form['term_match']['term_name'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Type'),
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#description' => $description,
    '#required' => $is_required,
    '#default_value' => $term_name,
    '#autocomplete_path' => "admin/tripal/storage/chado/auto_name/cvterm/",
  $form['term_match']['select_button'] = array(
    '#type' => 'button',
    '#value' => t('Lookup Term'),
    '#name' => 'select_cvterm',
    '#validate' => array(),
    '#limit_validation_errors' => array(),
    '#ajax' => array(
      'callback' => "tripal_get_term_lookup_form_ajax_callback",
      'wrapper' => "tripal-vocab-select-form",
      'effect' => 'fade',
      'method' => 'replace'

  // If the term has been provided by the user then we want to search for
  // matching terms in the database and let them select among any matches.
  if ($term_name) {
    $submit_disabled = TRUE;
    $form['term_match']['terms_list'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Matching Terms'),
      '#description' => t('Please select the term the best matches the
          content type you want to create. If the same term exists in
          multiple vocabularies you will see more than one option below.')
    $match = array(
      'name' => $term_name,
    // TODO: this should not call the chado functions because we're in the
    // tripal module.
    $terms = chado_generate_var('cvterm', $match, array('return_array' => TRUE));
    $terms = chado_expand_var($terms, 'field', 'cvterm.definition');
    $num_terms = 0;
    $selected_term = '';

    // Let the user select from any matching terms. Sometimes there may be
    // more than one that match.
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
      // Save the user a click by setting the default value as 1 if there's
      // only one matching term.
      $default = FALSE;
      $attrs = array();
      if ($num_terms == 0 and count($terms) == 1) {
        $default = TRUE;
        $attrs = array('checked' => 'checked');
      $term_element_name = 'term-' . $term->cvterm_id;
      $form['term_match']['terms_list'][$term_element_name] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => $term->name,
        '#default_value' => $default,
        '#attributes' => $attrs,
        '#description' => '<b>Vocabulary:</b> ' . $term->cv_id->name . ' (' . $term->dbxref_id->db_id->name . ') ' . $term->cv_id->definition .
          '<br><b>Term: </b> ' . $term->dbxref_id->db_id->name . ':' . $term->dbxref_id->accession . '.  ' .
          '<br><b>Definition:</b>  ' . $term->definition,
        '#ajax' => array(
          'callback' => "tripal_get_term_lookup_form_ajax_callback",
          'wrapper' => "tripal-vocab-select-form",
          'effect' => 'fade',
          'method' => 'replace'

      if (array_key_exists('values', $form_state) and array_key_exists($term_element_name, $form_state['values']) and 
        $form_state['values'][$term_element_name] == 1) {
        $selected_term = $term;
    if ($num_terms == 0) {
      $form['term_match']['terms_list']['none'] = array(
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#markup' => '<i>' . t('There is no term that matches the entered text.') . '</i>'