function hook_file_upload_check

3.x hook_file_upload_check($action, $details, &$message)

Allows a module to interact with the Tripal file uploader during upload.

This function is called prior to an 'action' aoccuring and allows the module that is responsible for the file upload to halt an upload if needed.


$action: The current action that is being peformed during the upload process. The actions are: 'save', 'check' and 'merge'.

$details: An associative array containing details about the upload process. Valid keys include:

  • filename: The name of the file.
  • file_size: The total size of the file.
  • chunk_size: The size of the chunk.
  • fid: The file ID of the file.

$message: An error message to report to the user if the function returns FALSE.

Return value

TRUE if the upload should continue. FALSE if a problem occurs and the upload should be terminated.

Related topics


tripal/api/, line 130
Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with file uploads.


function hook_file_upload_check($action, $details, &$message) {
  switch ($action) {
    case 'save':
      // Place code here when chunks are being saved.
    case 'check':
      // Place code here when a chunck is being checked if the upload
      // completed successfully.
    case 'merge':
      // Place code here when all chunks will be merged.
  return TRUE;