function tripal_analysis_update_7201

2.x tripal_analysis.install tripal_analysis_update_7201()

Fixes an error with the materialized view installation


tripal_analysis/tripal_analysis.install, line 380
Implements hooks from the Schema API.


function tripal_analysis_update_7201() {
  // Make sure we have the full API loaded this will help during a
  // site upgrade when the tripal_core module is disabled.
  module_load_include('module', 'tripal_core', 'tripal_core');

  // there is a bug in the Tripal v2.0-alpha release that didn't add the
  // materialized view schema to the mviews table.
  // get the schema for the materialized view from the custom_tables table
  // as there is a copy there, but only if the schema is missing from the
  // materialized view table
  $view_name = 'analysis_organism';
  $schema = db_select('tripal_mviews', 'tm')
    ->fields('tm', array('mv_schema'))
    ->condition('name', $view_name)
  if (!$schema or $schema == 'Array') {
    $schema = db_select('tripal_custom_tables', 'tct')
      ->fields('tct', array('schema'))
      ->condition('table_name', $view_name)
    $schema_str = var_export(unserialize($schema), TRUE);
    $schema_str = preg_replace('/=>\s+\n\s+array/', '=> array', $schema_str);
        'mv_schema' => $schema_str
      ->condition('name', $view_name)