function tripal_bulk_loader_progess_file_get_progress

2.x tripal_bulk_loader.module tripal_bulk_loader_progess_file_get_progress($job_id, $update_progress = TRUE)
3.x tripal_bulk_loader.module tripal_bulk_loader_progess_file_get_progress($job_id, $update_progress = TRUE)
1.x tripal_bulk_loader.module tripal_bulk_loader_progess_file_get_progress($job_id, $update_progress = TRUE)

Get the progress of the current constant set from the progress file

When transactions are used, database updates to drupal cannot be made. Thus a separate method to keep track of progress was implemented: save a period to the file for each record successfully inserted; each line in the file represents a processed line.


$job_id: The id of the tripal job to check the progress of

$node: The tripal_bulk_loader node associated with the job

Return value

An array with the following keys: num_lines = the number of lines in the file processed so far total_lines = the total number of lines in the input file percent_file = the percent the input file has been loaded num_records = the number of records successfully inserted

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function tripal_bulk_loader_progess_file_get_progress($job_id, $update_progress = TRUE) {
  $filename = '/tmp/tripal_bulk_loader_progress-' . $job_id . '.out';
  if (!file_exists($filename)) {
    return (object) array();

  $num_lines = trim($filename);
  $num_records = trim($filename);

  $job = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT j.*, b.file, b.file_has_header, c.num as num_constant_sets
                              FROM {tripal_jobs} j
                              LEFT JOIN {tripal_bulk_loader} b ON b.job_id=j.job_id
                              LEFT JOIN (
                                  SELECT nid, count(distinct(group_id)) as num
                                  FROM {tripal_bulk_loader_constants}
                                  GROUP BY nid
                                ) c ON c.nid=b.nid
                              WHERE j.job_id=%d", $job_id));
  if ($job->num_constant_sets) {
    $num_constant_sets_loaded = round($job->progress / (100 / $job->num_constant_sets), 4);

    // If the next constant set has started loading
    if ($job->num_constant_sets != $num_constant_sets_loaded) {

      // total lines in input file
      $total_lines = trim($job->file);
      if ($job->file_has_header) {

      // percent of the current constant set loaded
      $percent = round($num_lines / $total_lines * 100, 2);

      // percent of the total job = (<# fully loaded constant sets> * 100 )
      //                           + <percent of current constant set>
      //                           / <total number of constant sets>
      $total_percent = (($num_constant_sets_loaded * 100) + $percent) / $job->num_constant_sets;

      // update the progress of the job
      if ($update_progress AND ($percent != 0 OR $percent != 100)) {
        tripal_job_set_progress($job_id, round($total_percent, 0));

  return (object) array(
    'num_lines' => $num_lines,
    'total_lines' => $total_lines,
    'percent_file' => $percent,
    'num_constant_sets_loaded' => $num_constant_sets_loaded,
    'total_percent' => $total_percent,
    'num_records' => $num_records