function tripal_insert_dbxref

2.x tripal_insert_dbxref($values)
3.x tripal_insert_dbxref($values)

Add a database reference.


$values: An associative array of the values to be inserted including:

  • db_id: the database_id of the database the reference is from.
  • accession: the accession.
  • version: (Optional) The version of the database reference.
  • description: (Optional) A description of the database reference.

Return value

The newly inserted dbxref as an object, similar to that returned by the chado_select_record() function.

2 calls to tripal_insert_dbxref()
chado_update_node_form_dbxrefs in legacy/tripal_core/api/
This function is used in hook_insert or hook_update and handles inserting of any new dbxrefs and creation of links between those dbxrefs and node content
tripal_db_add_dbxref in legacy/tripal_db/api/
1 string reference to 'tripal_insert_dbxref'


tripal_chado/api/modules/, line 609
These api functions are deprecated, if your site is currently using them please update your code with the newer tripal_chado functions.


function tripal_insert_dbxref($values) {