function tripal_insert_obo

2.x tripal_insert_obo($name, $path)
3.x tripal_insert_obo($name, $path)

Add the OBO to the tripal_cv_obo table in the Drupal database.

If the OBO name already exists in the table then the path is updated.


$name: The human readable name of this ontology.

$path: The file path or URL of the ontology.

Return value

Returns the ontology ID.

4 calls to tripal_insert_obo()
tripal_contact_install in legacy/tripal_contact/tripal_contact.install
Implementation of hook_install().
tripal_cv_add_obo_ref in legacy/tripal_cv/api/
tripal_pub_install in legacy/tripal_pub/tripal_pub.install
Implementation of hook_install().
tripal_pub_update_7202 in legacy/tripal_pub/tripal_pub.install
Updates path of tripal_pub OBO to be relative.


tripal_chado/api/modules/, line 346
These api functions are deprecated, if your site is currently using them please update your code with the newer tripal_chado functions.


function tripal_insert_obo($name, $path) {
  chado_insert_obo($name, $path);