function chado_execute_active_pub_importers

3.x chado_execute_active_pub_importers($report_email = FALSE, $do_update = FALSE)

Imports all publications for all active import setups.


$report_email: A list of email address, separated by commas, that should be notified once importing has completed.

$do_update: If set to TRUE then publications that already exist in the Chado database will be updated, whereas if FALSE only new publications will be added.

Related topics

2 calls to chado_execute_active_pub_importers()
drush_tripal_chado_trp_import_pubs in tripal_chado/
Imports publications into Chado
tripal_execute_active_pub_importers in tripal_chado/api/modules/
Imports all publications for all active import setups.


tripal_chado/api/modules/, line 416
Provides API functions specificially for managing publication records in Chado.


function chado_execute_active_pub_importers($report_email = FALSE, $do_update = FALSE) {
  $num_to_retrieve = 100;
  $page = 0;

  print "\nNOTE: Loading of publications is performed using a database transaction. \n" .
    "If the load fails or is terminated prematurely then the entire set of \n" .
    "insertions/updates is rolled back and will not be found in the database\n\n";

  // start the transaction
  $transaction = db_transaction();

  try {
    // Get all of the loaders.
    $args = array();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_pub_import} WHERE disabled = 0 ";
    $results = db_query($sql, $args);
    $do_contact = FALSE;
    $reports = array();
    foreach ($results as $import) {
      $page = 0;
      print "Executing importer: '" . $import->name . "'\n";
      // Keep track if any of the importers want to create contacts from authors.
      if ($import->do_contact == 1) {
        $do_contact = TRUE;
      $criteria = unserialize($import->criteria);
      $remote_db = $criteria['remote_db'];
      do {
        // Retrieve the pubs for this page. We'll retreive 100 at a time.
        $results = tripal_get_remote_pubs($remote_db, $criteria, $num_to_retrieve, $page);
        $pubs = $results['pubs'];
        $reports[$import->name] = tripal_pub_add_publications($pubs, $import->do_contact, $do_update);
      // Continue looping until we have a $pubs array that does not have
      // our requested numer of records.  This means we've hit the end.
       while (count($pubs) == $num_to_retrieve);

    // Sync the newly added publications with Drupal. If the user
    // requested a report then we don't want to print any syncing information
    // so pass 'FALSE' to the sync call.
    // For backwards compatibility check to see if the legacy pub module
    // is enabled. If so, then sync the nodes.
    if (module_exists('tripal_pub')) {
      print "Syncing publications with Drupal...\n";

    // Iterate through each of the reports and generate a final report with HTML
    // links.
    $HTML_report = '';
    if ($report_email) {
      $HTML_report .= "<html>";
      global $base_url;
      foreach ($reports as $importer => $report) {
        $total = count($report['inserted']);
        $HTML_report .= "<b>$total new publications from importer: $importer</b><br><ol>\n";
        foreach ($report['inserted'] as $pub) {
          $item = $pub['Title'];
          if (array_key_exists('pub_id', $pub)) {
            $item = l($pub['Title'], "$base_url/pub/" . $pub['pub_id']);
          $HTML_report .= "<li>$item</li>\n";
        $HTML_report .= "</ol>\n";
      $HTML_report .= "</html>";
      $site_email = variable_get('site_mail', '');
      $params = array(
        'message' => $HTML_report
      drupal_mail('tripal_pub', 'import_report', $report_email, language_default(), $params, $site_email, TRUE);

    // For backwards compatibility check to see if the legacy pub module
    // is enabled. If so, then sync the nodes.
    if (module_exists('tripal_pub')) {
      // If any of the importers wanted to create contacts from the authors then 
      // sync them.
      if ($do_contact) {
        print "Syncing contacts with Drupal...\n";
  catch (Exception $e) {
    print "\n"; // make sure we start errors on new line
    watchdog_exception('T_pub_import', $e);
    print "FAILED: Rolling back database changes...\n";
  print "Done.\n";