function tripal_chado_chado_get_v1_11_tables

3.x tripal_chado_chado_get_v1_11_tables()

Lists the table names in the v1.11 chado schema

Return value

An array containing all of the table names

1 call to tripal_chado_chado_get_v1_11_tables()
chado_get_table_names in tripal_chado/api/
Retrieves the list of tables in the Chado schema. By default it only returns the default Chado tables, but can return custom tables added to the Chado schema if requested


tripal_chado/api/, line 10726
Describes the chado tables in version 1.11


function tripal_chado_chado_get_v1_11_tables() {
  $tables = array(
  return $tables;