function chado_add_semweb_table

3.x chado_add_semweb_table($chado_table)

Adds a new Chado table to the semantic web support for Chado.

Newly added tables (i.e. custom tables) need to be integrated into the semantic web infrastructure. After a new table is created and added to the Chado schema, this function should be called to indicate that the table should be included in the semantic web. No associations are made for the columns. The associations should be added using the chado_associate_semweb_term() function.

If the table has already been added previously then this function does nothing. It will not overwrite existing assocations.

Temporary tables (e.g. Tripal tables that begin with 'tripal_' and end with '_temp', are not supported.


$chado_table: The name of the Chado table.

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function chado_add_semweb_table($chado_table) {

  // Don't include the tripal temp tables.
  if (preg_match('/tripal_.+_temp/', $chado_table)) {

  // Get the table's schema and add all of it's fields if they aren't
  // already there.
  $schema = chado_get_schema($chado_table);
  foreach ($schema['fields'] as $chado_column => $details) {

    // If the record already exists don't overwrite it.
    $record = db_select('chado_semweb', 'CS')
      ->fields('CS', array('chado_semweb_id'))
      ->condition('CS.chado_table', $chado_table)
      ->condition('CS.chado_column', $chado_column)
    if (!$record) {
      $record = array(
        'chado_table' => $chado_table,
        'chado_column' => $chado_column,
      drupal_write_record('chado_semweb', $record);