function tripal_pub_AGL_range

2.x tripal_pub_AGL_range($yazc, $search_str, $start, $num_to_retrieve, $total_records)
3.x tripal_pub_AGL_range($yazc, $search_str, $start, $num_to_retrieve, $total_records)
1.x tripal_pub_AGL_range($search_array, $start = 0, $limit = 10)

Retrieves a range of publications from AGL


$yazc: The YAZC connection object.

$search_str: The search string to use for searching.

$start: The start of the range

$num_to_retrieve: The number of publications to retrieve

$total_records: The total number of records in the dataset. This value should have been retrieved by tripal_pub_AGL_count() function.

Return value

An array containing the total_records in the dataaset, the search string and an array of the publications that were retreived.

1 call to tripal_pub_AGL_range()
tripal_pub_remote_search_AGL in tripal_chado/includes/loaders/
A hook for performing the search on the AGL database.


tripal_chado/includes/loaders/, line 428
This file provides support for importing and parsing of results from the USDA National Agricultural Library (AGL) database. The functions here are used by both the publication importer setup form and the publication importer. The USDA AGL database…


function tripal_pub_AGL_range($yazc, $search_str, $start, $num_to_retrieve, $total_records) {
  yaz_range($yazc, 1, $total_records);
  if (!yaz_present($yazc)) {
    $error_no = yaz_errno($yazc);
    $error_msg = yaz_error($yazc);
    $additional = yaz_addinfo($yazc);
    if ($additional != $error_msg) {
      $error_msg .= " $additional";
    drupal_set_message("ERROR waiting on search at AGL: ($error_no) $error_msg", "error");
    watchdog('tpub_import', "ERROR waiting on search at AGL: (%error_no) %error_msg", 
    array('%error_no' => $error_no, '%error_msg' => $error_msg), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return array(
      'total_records' => 0,
      'search_str' => $search_str,
      'pubs' => array(),
  if ($start + $num_to_retrieve > $total_records) {
    $num_to_retrieve = $total_records - $start;

  $pubs = array();
  for ($i = $start; $i < $start + $num_to_retrieve; $i++) {
    // retrieve the XML results
    $pub_xml = yaz_record($yazc, $i + 1, 'xml; charset=marc-8,utf-8');
    if (!$pub_xml) {
      $error_no = yaz_errno($yazc);
      $error_msg = yaz_error($yazc);
      drupal_set_message("ERROR retrieving records from AGL: ($error_no) $error_msg", "error");
      watchdog('tpub_import', "ERROR retrieving records from AGL: (%error_no) %error_msg", 
      array('%error_no' => $error_no, '%error_msg' => $error_msg), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return array(
        'total_records' => 0,
        'search_str' => $search_str,
        'pubs' => array(),
    // parse the pub XML
    $pub = tripal_pub_AGL_parse_pubxml($pub_xml);
    $pubs[] = $pub;
  return array(
    'total_records' => $total_records,
    'search_str' => $search_str,
    'pubs' => $pubs,