function tripal_remove_views_integration

2.x tripal_remove_views_integration($identifiers, $options = array())
3.x tripal_remove_views_integration($identifiers, $options = array())

Removes a View Integration Entry when you only know the table the integration was created for and the priority.

This should only be used to remove integrations created by your own module (possibly on uninstall of your module). To override existing integrations simply create your own integration with a lighter priority using tripal_clone_views_integration() or tripal_export_views_integration() to create a template.


$identifies: An array of identifiers where the keys indicate what the identifier is. One of the following compinations must be present: 1) table_name & priority: the name of the table & the priority to remove a views integration entry for. 2) setup_id: the setup_id of the entry to remove.

$options: An array of options, currently none are supported.

Return value

TRUE on Success; FALSE otherwise.

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function tripal_remove_views_integration($identifiers, $options = array()) {

  // Remove the views integration using the table_name/priority combo.
  if (isset($identifiers['table_name'])) {
    $table_name = $identifiers['table_name'];
    $priority = $identifiers['priority'];

    $views = db_query(
    "SELECT * FROM {tripal_views} WHERE table_name=:table AND priority=:priority", 
      ':table' => $table_name,
      ':priority' => $priority
    $views = $views->fetchObject();
    if ($views->setup_id) {
      $identifiers['setup_id'] = $views->setup_id;


  // Remove the views integration using the setup_id.
  if (isset($identifiers['setup_id'])) {

    db_query('DELETE FROM {tripal_views} WHERE setup_id=:setup', array(':setup' => $identifiers['setup_id']));
    db_query('DELETE FROM {tripal_views_field} WHERE setup_id=:setup', array(':setup' => $identifiers['setup_id']));
    db_query('DELETE FROM {tripal_views_handlers} WHERE setup_id=:setup', array(':setup' => $identifiers['setup_id']));
    db_query('DELETE FROM {tripal_views_join} WHERE setup_id=:setup', array(':setup' => $identifiers['setup_id']));

    return TRUE;

  return FALSE;