function tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm::get_select_options

2.x tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm::get_select_options()
3.x tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm::get_select_options()

Provide the options used in the select list. Override this function in extended handlers to easily change option list.

Return value

An array of options where the key is the value of this field in the database

Overrides tripal_views_handler_filter_select_string::get_select_options


tripal_chado_views/views/handlers/, line 25
Contains tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm


This Handler provides a select list for the type field


function get_select_options() {

  // If the admin has set the "Show All" option then we want to show all the
  // cvterms regardless of whether they are used in the base table or not.
  if (isset($this->options['show_all']) AND $this->options['show_all'] == TRUE) {

    // Get a list of cvs currently used.

    // If the filter is for a field in the cvterm table (weird, I know but
    // we can't assume that tripal admin won't do this) then we only need
    // to make one-hop to the cv table.
    if ($this->table == 'cvterm') {

      $return = $this->get_select_option_where($this->table);
      $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
      $arguments = $return['arguments'];
      $base_where = '';
      if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
        $base_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);

      // Using a "Loose Index Scan" to get a list of all the cvs used
      // in the cvterm table (ie: all the cv's with at least one term).
      // See
      $sql = "
          WITH RECURSIVE t AS (
            SELECT MIN(cv_id) AS col FROM {!table}
              " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : "WHERE " . $base_where) . "
            UNION ALL
            SELECT (SELECT MIN(cv_id) FROM {!table} WHERE cv_id > col " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $base_where) . ")
              FROM t WHERE col IS NOT NULL
          SELECT cv_id, name
            FROM {cv}
            WHERE cv_id IN (SELECT col FROM t where col IS NOT NULL)
            ORDER BY ASC";
      $sql = format_string($sql, array('!table' => $this->table));
    // Otherwise, (most often the case) we need to make two-hops
    // to the cv table through the cvterm table.
    else {

      // There are actually two sets of conditions we care about and of course
      // they are placed in different places in the query :p.
      // 1. Restrictions on the cvterm table. This lets users specify: only
      // show these exact types.
      $return = $this->get_select_option_where('cvterm');
      $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
      $cvterm_args = $return['arguments'];
      $cvterm_where = '';
      if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
        $cvterm_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);
      // 2. Restrictions on the filter table Since those affect which types
      // have been used.
      $return = $this->get_select_option_where($this->table);
      $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
      $base_args = $return['arguments'];
      $base_where = '';
      if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
        $base_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);
      // We only supply one set or arguments those so merge the two.
      $arguments = array_merge($cvterm_args, $base_args);

      // Using a "Loose Index Scan" to get a list of all the cvs used
      // in the table the drop-down filter is from.
      // See
      $sql = "
          WITH RECURSIVE t AS (
            SELECT MIN(cvterm.cv_id) AS col
              FROM {!table} filter_table
              LEFT JOIN {cvterm} ON filter_table.!field=cvterm.cvterm_id
              " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : "WHERE " . $base_where) . "
            UNION ALL
            SELECT (
                SELECT MIN(cv_id)
                FROM {!table} filter_table
                LEFT JOIN {cvterm} ON filter_table.!field=cvterm.cvterm_id
                WHERE cv_id > col " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $base_where) . "
              FROM t WHERE col IS NOT NULL
          SELECT cvterm_id, name
            FROM {cvterm}
            WHERE cv_id IN (SELECT col FROM t where col IS NOT NULL) " . ($cvterm_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $cvterm_where) . "
            ORDER BY ASC";
      $sql = format_string($sql, array('!table' => $this->table, '!field' => $this->field));
    $resource = chado_query($sql, $arguments);

    // Now actually gerenate the select list
    // based on the results from the above query.
    $cvterms = array();
    foreach ($resource as $r) {
      $cvterms[$r->cvterm_id] = $r->name;

  // Otherwise, show the user the much smaller list of all cvterms used in
  // the base table.
  else {

    // There are actually two sets of conditions we care about and of course
    // they are placed in different places in the query :p.
    // 1. Restrictions on the cvterm table. This lets users specify: only
    // show these exact types.
    $return = $this->get_select_option_where('cvterm');
    $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
    $cvterm_args = $return['arguments'];
    $cvterm_where = '';
    if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
      $cvterm_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);
    // 2. Restrictions on the filter table Since those affect which types
    // have been used.
    $return = $this->get_select_option_where($this->table);
    $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
    $base_args = $return['arguments'];
    $base_where = '';
    if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
      $base_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);
    // We only supply one set or arguments those so merge the two.
    $arguments = array_merge($cvterm_args, $base_args);

    // Using a "Loose Index Scan" to get a list of all the cvterms used
    // in the base table. See
    $sql = "
          SELECT MIN(!field) AS col FROM {!table}
            " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : "WHERE " . $base_where) . "
          UNION ALL
          SELECT (
            SELECT MIN(!field)
            FROM {!table}
            WHERE !field > col " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $base_where) . "
          FROM t WHERE col IS NOT NULL
        SELECT cvterm_id, name
          FROM {cvterm}
          WHERE cvterm_id IN (SELECT col FROM t where col IS NOT NULL) " . ($cvterm_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $cvterm_where) . "
          ORDER BY ASC";
    $sql = format_string($sql, array('!table' => $this->table, '!field' => $this->field));

    $resource = chado_query($sql, $arguments);
    $cvterms = array();

    // Add an "- Any - " option to allow a type to not be set by default.
    if ($this->options['select_optional']) {
      $cvterms['All'] = '- Any -';

    // Now actually gerenate the select list
    // based on the results from the above query.
    foreach ($resource as $r) {
      $cvterms[$r->cvterm_id] = $r->name;

  return $cvterms;
