class tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm

  1. 2.x tripal_views/views/handlers/ tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm
  2. 3.x tripal_chado_views/views/handlers/ tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm
  3. 1.x tripal_views/views/handlers/ tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm

This Handler provides a select list for the type field

NOTE: This handler only works when applied to the type_id field in the base_table of this view.


Expanded class hierarchy of tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm

2 string references to 'tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm'
tripal_chado_views_get_integration_array_for_chado_table in tripal_chado_views/includes/
Returns the array needed to integrate a given chado table with views
tripal_chado_views_views_handlers in tripal_chado_views/
Implements hook_views_handlers().


tripal_chado_views/views/handlers/, line 15
Contains tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm

View source
class tripal_views_handler_filter_select_cvterm extends tripal_views_handler_filter_select_string {

   * Provide the options used in the select list.
   * Override this function in extended handlers to easily change option list.
   * @return
   *   An array of options where the key is the value of this field in the
   *   database
  function get_select_options() {

    // If the admin has set the "Show All" option then we want to show all the
    // cvterms regardless of whether they are used in the base table or not.
    if (isset($this->options['show_all']) AND $this->options['show_all'] == TRUE) {

      // Get a list of cvs currently used.

      // If the filter is for a field in the cvterm table (weird, I know but
      // we can't assume that tripal admin won't do this) then we only need
      // to make one-hop to the cv table.
      if ($this->table == 'cvterm') {

        $return = $this->get_select_option_where($this->table);
        $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
        $arguments = $return['arguments'];
        $base_where = '';
        if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
          $base_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);

        // Using a "Loose Index Scan" to get a list of all the cvs used
        // in the cvterm table (ie: all the cv's with at least one term).
        // See
        $sql = "
          WITH RECURSIVE t AS (
            SELECT MIN(cv_id) AS col FROM {!table}
              " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : "WHERE " . $base_where) . "
            UNION ALL
            SELECT (SELECT MIN(cv_id) FROM {!table} WHERE cv_id > col " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $base_where) . ")
              FROM t WHERE col IS NOT NULL
          SELECT cv_id, name
            FROM {cv}
            WHERE cv_id IN (SELECT col FROM t where col IS NOT NULL)
            ORDER BY ASC";
        $sql = format_string($sql, array('!table' => $this->table));
      // Otherwise, (most often the case) we need to make two-hops
      // to the cv table through the cvterm table.
      else {

        // There are actually two sets of conditions we care about and of course
        // they are placed in different places in the query :p.
        // 1. Restrictions on the cvterm table. This lets users specify: only
        // show these exact types.
        $return = $this->get_select_option_where('cvterm');
        $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
        $cvterm_args = $return['arguments'];
        $cvterm_where = '';
        if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
          $cvterm_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);
        // 2. Restrictions on the filter table Since those affect which types
        // have been used.
        $return = $this->get_select_option_where($this->table);
        $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
        $base_args = $return['arguments'];
        $base_where = '';
        if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
          $base_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);
        // We only supply one set or arguments those so merge the two.
        $arguments = array_merge($cvterm_args, $base_args);

        // Using a "Loose Index Scan" to get a list of all the cvs used
        // in the table the drop-down filter is from.
        // See
        $sql = "
          WITH RECURSIVE t AS (
            SELECT MIN(cvterm.cv_id) AS col
              FROM {!table} filter_table
              LEFT JOIN {cvterm} ON filter_table.!field=cvterm.cvterm_id
              " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : "WHERE " . $base_where) . "
            UNION ALL
            SELECT (
                SELECT MIN(cv_id)
                FROM {!table} filter_table
                LEFT JOIN {cvterm} ON filter_table.!field=cvterm.cvterm_id
                WHERE cv_id > col " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $base_where) . "
              FROM t WHERE col IS NOT NULL
          SELECT cvterm_id, name
            FROM {cvterm}
            WHERE cv_id IN (SELECT col FROM t where col IS NOT NULL) " . ($cvterm_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $cvterm_where) . "
            ORDER BY ASC";
        $sql = format_string($sql, array('!table' => $this->table, '!field' => $this->field));
      $resource = chado_query($sql, $arguments);

      // Now actually gerenate the select list
      // based on the results from the above query.
      $cvterms = array();
      foreach ($resource as $r) {
        $cvterms[$r->cvterm_id] = $r->name;

    // Otherwise, show the user the much smaller list of all cvterms used in
    // the base table.
    else {

      // There are actually two sets of conditions we care about and of course
      // they are placed in different places in the query :p.
      // 1. Restrictions on the cvterm table. This lets users specify: only
      // show these exact types.
      $return = $this->get_select_option_where('cvterm');
      $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
      $cvterm_args = $return['arguments'];
      $cvterm_where = '';
      if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
        $cvterm_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);
      // 2. Restrictions on the filter table Since those affect which types
      // have been used.
      $return = $this->get_select_option_where($this->table);
      $where_clauses = $return['where_clauses'];
      $base_args = $return['arguments'];
      $base_where = '';
      if (!empty($where_clauses)) {
        $base_where = implode(' AND ', $where_clauses);
      // We only supply one set or arguments those so merge the two.
      $arguments = array_merge($cvterm_args, $base_args);

      // Using a "Loose Index Scan" to get a list of all the cvterms used
      // in the base table. See
      $sql = "
          SELECT MIN(!field) AS col FROM {!table}
            " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : "WHERE " . $base_where) . "
          UNION ALL
          SELECT (
            SELECT MIN(!field)
            FROM {!table}
            WHERE !field > col " . ($base_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $base_where) . "
          FROM t WHERE col IS NOT NULL
        SELECT cvterm_id, name
          FROM {cvterm}
          WHERE cvterm_id IN (SELECT col FROM t where col IS NOT NULL) " . ($cvterm_where == '' ? '' : " AND " . $cvterm_where) . "
          ORDER BY ASC";
      $sql = format_string($sql, array('!table' => $this->table, '!field' => $this->field));

      $resource = chado_query($sql, $arguments);
      $cvterms = array();

      // Add an "- Any - " option to allow a type to not be set by default.
      if ($this->options['select_optional']) {
        $cvterms['All'] = '- Any -';

      // Now actually gerenate the select list
      // based on the results from the above query.
      foreach ($resource as $r) {
        $cvterms[$r->cvterm_id] = $r->name;

    return $cvterms;


   * For the SQL generating the options, determine the WHERE clauses
   * @return
   *   An array of full qualified where clauses (ie: table.myfield = 'fred')
  function get_select_option_where($table = NULL, $generic_placeholder = TRUE) {
    return parent::get_select_option_where($table, $generic_placeholder);
    // build a where clause that will filter the list in the drop box
    // using fields that are not exposed and that are for the table
    // from whcih the values in the drop box will be slected and
    // we only want to use non-exposed fields because these are not
    // available to the user to edit--they're fixed.
    $filters = (is_array($this->view->filter)) ? $this->view->filter : array();
    foreach ($filters as $filter_name => $details) {
       // we only want to inclue non-exposed filters
       if ($details->options['exposed'] == FALSE) {
          $value = $details->value;
          if (is_array($details->value) AND isset($details->value['value'])) {
            $value = $details->value['value'];

          $field = $details->field;
          if (($this->table == $this->view->base_table) AND ($details->field == 'type_id')) {
            $field = 'cvterm_id';

          if (is_array($value)) {
            // we only want to filter on the table we're getting the list from
            if (strcmp($details->table, $this->table)==0 AND !empty($value)) {
              $where[] = "$field IN (" . implode(', ', $value) . ')';
          else {
            // we only want to filter on the table we're getting the list from
            if (strcmp($details->table, 'cvterm')==0 AND !empty($value)) {
              $where[] = "$field $details->operator " . $value;

    return $where;
   * {@inheritdoc}
  function option_definition() {
    return parent::option_definition();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  function expose_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::expose_form($form, $form_state);
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  function expose_submit($form, &$form_state) {
    parent::expose_submit($form, $form_state);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  function expose_options() {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  function value_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::value_form($form, $form_state);



Contains filters are case sensitive