9 calls to tripal_core_is_sql_prepared()

tripal_core_chado_delete in tripal_core/api/tripal_core_chado.api.inc
Provides a generic function for deleting a record(s) from any chado table
tripal_core_chado_execute_prepared in tripal_core/api/tripal_core_chado.api.inc
Execute a prepared statement with the supplied values
tripal_core_chado_prepare in tripal_core/api/tripal_core_chado.api.inc
Prepare a chado query
tripal_core_chado_update in tripal_core/api/tripal_core_chado.api.inc
Provides a generic routine for updating into any Chado table
tripal_cv_add_cvterm in tripal_cv/api/tripal_cv.api.inc
Add's a CV term to the cvterm table. If the parent CV does not exist then that too is added to the CV table. If the cvterm is a relationship term then the $is_relationship argument should be set. The function will try to first find theā€¦
tripal_feature_get_formatted_sequence in tripal_feature/api/tripal_feature.api.inc
Retrieves the sequence for a feature.
tripal_feature_load_gff3 in tripal_feature/includes/gff_loader.inc
tripal_feature_load_gff3_alias in tripal_feature/includes/gff_loader.inc
tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents in tripal_feature/includes/gff_loader.inc