function tripal_feature_load_gff3

2.x tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id, $add_only = 0, $update = 1, $refresh = 0, $remove = 0, $use_transaction = 1, $target_organism_id = NULL, $target_type = NULL, $create_target = 0, $start_line = 1, $landmark_type = '', $alt_id_attr = '', $create_organism = FALSE, $re_mrna = '', $re_protein = '', $job = NULL)
1.x tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id, $add_only = 0, $update = 0, $refresh = 0, $remove = 0, $use_transaction = 1, $target_organism_id = NULL, $target_type = NULL, $create_target = 0, $start_line = 1, $landmark_type = '', $alt_id_attr = '', $create_organism = FALSE, $job = NULL)

Related topics

1 call to tripal_feature_load_gff3()
tripal_core_load_gff3 in tripal_core/tripal_core.module
this is just a wrapper for backwards compatibility with a naming mistake. it can go away in the future as it only is useful for jobs created by v0.3b
2 string references to 'tripal_feature_load_gff3'


tripal_feature/includes/, line 308
@todo Add file header description


function tripal_feature_load_gff3($gff_file, $organism_id, $analysis_id, 
$add_only = 0, $update = 0, $refresh = 0, $remove = 0, $use_transaction = 1, 
$target_organism_id = NULL, $target_type = NULL, $create_target = 0, 
$start_line = 1, $landmark_type = '', $alt_id_attr = '', $create_organism = FALSE, 
$job = NULL) {

  // make sure our temporary table exists
  $ret = array();
  if (!db_table_exists('tripal_gff_temp')) {
    $schema = tripal_feature_get_custom_tables('tripal_gff_temp');
    $success = tripal_core_create_custom_table($ret, 'tripal_gff_temp', $schema['tripal_gff_temp']);
    if (!$success) {
      watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "Cannot create temporary loading table", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
  // empty the temp table
  $sql = "DELETE FROM {tripal_gff_temp}";

  // get a persistent connection
  $connection = tripal_db_persistent_chado();
  if (!$connection) {
    print "A persistant connection was not obtained. Loading will be slow\n";

  // begin the transaction
  if ($use_transaction) {

    // if we cannot get a connection then let the user know the loading will be slow
    if (!$connection) {
      print "A persistant connection was not obtained. Loading will be slow\n";
    else {
      print "\nNOTE: Loading of this GFF file is performed using a database transaction. \n" .
        "If the load fails or is terminated prematurely then the entire set of \n" .
        "insertions/updates is rolled back and will not be found in the database\n\n";

  // check to see if the file is located local to Drupal
  $dfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path() . $gff_file;
  if (!file_exists($dfile)) {
    // if not local to Drupal, the file must be someplace else, just use
    // the full path provided
    $dfile = $gff_file;
  if (!file_exists($dfile)) {
    watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "Cannot find the file: %dfile", 
    array('%dfile' => $dfile), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return 0;

  print "Opening $gff_file\n";

  //$lines = file($dfile,FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
  $fh = fopen($dfile, 'r');
  if (!$fh) {
    watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "cannot open file: %dfile", 
    array('%dfile' => $dfile), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return 0;
  $filesize = filesize($dfile);

  // get the controlled vocaubulary that we'll be using.  The
  // default is the 'sequence' ontology
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM {cv} WHERE name = '%s'";
  $cv = db_fetch_object(chado_query($sql, 'sequence'));
  if (!$cv) {
    watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "Cannot find the 'sequence' ontology", 
    array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return '';

  // get the organism for which this GFF3 file belongs
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM {organism} WHERE organism_id = %d";
  $organism = db_fetch_object(chado_query($sql, $organism_id));

  $interval = intval($filesize * 0.0001);
  if ($interval == 0) {
    $interval = 1;
  $in_fasta = 0;
  $line_num = 0;
  $num_read = 0;
  $intv_read = 0;

  // prepare the statement used to get the cvterm for each feature.
  if (!tripal_core_is_sql_prepared('sel_cvterm_idnasy')) {
    $psql = "PREPARE sel_cvterm_idnasy (int, text, text) AS
             SELECT CVT.cvterm_id, CVT.cv_id,, CVT.definition,
                CVT.dbxref_id, CVT.is_obsolete, CVT.is_relationshiptype
             FROM {cvterm} CVT
                INNER JOIN {cv} CV on CVT.cv_id = CV.cv_id
                LEFT JOIN {cvtermsynonym} CVTS on CVTS.cvterm_id = CVT.cvterm_id
             WHERE CV.cv_id = $1 and 
               (lower( = lower($2) or lower(CVTS.synonym) = lower($3))";
    $status = tripal_core_chado_prepare('sel_cvterm_idnasy', $psql, array('int', 'text', 'text'));
    if (!$status) {
      watchdog('T_gff3_loader', 'cannot prepare statement \'sel_cvterm_idnasy\'.', 
      array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return '';


  // iterate through each line of the GFF file
  print "Parsing Line $line_num (0.00%). Memory: " . number_format(memory_get_usage()) . " bytes\r";
  while ($line = fgets($fh)) {
    $size = drupal_strlen($line);
    $num_read += $size;
    $intv_read += $size;

    if ($line_num < $start_line) {

    // update the job status every 1% features
    if ($job and $intv_read >= $interval) {
      $intv_read = 0;
      $percent = sprintf("%.2f", ($num_read / $filesize) * 100);
      print "Parsing Line $line_num (" . $percent . "%). Memory: " . number_format(memory_get_usage()) . " bytes.\r";
      tripal_job_set_progress($job, intval(($num_read / $filesize) * 100));

    // check to see if we have FASTA section, if so then set the variable
    // to start parsing
    if (preg_match('/^##FASTA/i', $line)) {
      if ($remove) {
        // we're done because this is a delete operation so break out of the loop.
      tripal_feature_load_gff3_fasta($fh, $interval, $num_read, $intv_read, $line_num);
    // if the ##sequence-region line is present then we want to add a new feature
    if (preg_match('/^##sequence-region (.*?) (\d+) (\d+)$/i', $line, $region_matches)) {
      $rid = $region_matches[1];
      $rstart = $region_matches[2];
      $rend = $region_matches[3];
      if ($landmark_type) {
        $result = chado_query("EXECUTE sel_cvterm_idnasy (%d, '%s', '%s')", $cv->cv_id, $landmark_type, $landmark_type);
        $cvterm = db_fetch_object($result);
        if (!$cvterm) {
          watchdog('T_gff3_loader', 'cannot find feature type \'%landmark_type\' on line %line_num of the GFF file', 
          array('%landmark_type' => $landmark_type, '%line_num' => $line_num), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
          return '';
        tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm, $rid, 
        $rid, '', 'f', 'f', 1, 0);

    // skip comments
    if (preg_match('/^#/', $line)) {

    // skip empty lines
    if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $line)) {

    // get the columns
    $cols = explode("\t", $line);
    if (sizeof($cols) != 9) {
      watchdog('T_gff3_loader', 'improper number of columns on line %line_num', 
      array('%line_num' => $line_num), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return '';

    // get the column values
    $landmark = $cols[0];
    $source = $cols[1];
    $type = $cols[2];
    $start = $cols[3];
    $end = $cols[4];
    $score = $cols[5];
    $strand = $cols[6];
    $phase = $cols[7];
    $attrs = explode(";", $cols[8]); // split by a semicolon 

    // ready the start and stop for chado.  Chado expects these positions
    // to be zero-based, so we substract 1 from the fmin
    $fmin = $start - 1;
    $fmax = $end;
    if ($end < $start) {
      $fmin = $end - 1;
      $fmax = $start;

    // format the strand for chado
    if (strcmp($strand, '.') == 0) {
      $strand = 0;
    elseif (strcmp($strand, '+') == 0) {
      $strand = 1;
    elseif (strcmp($strand, '-') == 0) {
      $strand = -1;
    if (strcmp($phase, '.') == 0) {
      $phase = '';

    $result = chado_query("EXECUTE sel_cvterm_idnasy (%d, '%s', '%s')", $cv->cv_id, $type, $type);

    $cvterm = db_fetch_object($result);
    if (!$cvterm) {
      watchdog('T_gff3_loader', 'cannot find feature term \'%type\' on line %line_num of the GFF file', 
      array('%type' => $type, '%line_num' => $line_num), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      return '';

    // break apart each of the attributes
    $tags = array();
    $attr_name = '';
    $attr_uniquename = '';
    $attr_residue_info = '';
    $attr_locgroup = 0;
    $attr_fmin_partial = 'f';
    $attr_fmax_partial = 'f';
    $attr_is_obsolete = 'f';
    $attr_is_analysis = 'f';
    $attr_others = '';
    $residues = '';

    // the organism to which a feature belongs can be set in the GFF
    // file using the 'organism' attribute.  By default we 
    // set the $feature_organism variable to the default organism for the landmark
    $attr_organism = '';
    $feature_organism = $organism;

    foreach ($attrs as $attr) {
      $attr = rtrim($attr);
      $attr = ltrim($attr);
      if (strcmp($attr, '') == 0) {
      if (!preg_match('/^[^\=]+\=.+$/', $attr)) {
        watchdog('T_gff3_loader', 'Attribute is not correctly formatted on line %line_num: %attr', 
        array('%line_num' => $line_num, '%attr' => $attr), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        return '';

      // break apart each tag
      $tag = preg_split("/=/", $attr, 2); // split by equals sign

      // multiple instances of an attribute are separated by commas
      $tag_name = $tag[0];
      if (!array_key_exists($tag_name, $tags)) {
        $tags[$tag_name] = array();
      $tags[$tag_name] = array_merge($tags[$tag_name], explode(",", $tag[1])); // split by comma

      // replace the URL escape codes for each tag
      for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags[$tag_name]); $i++) {
        $tags[$tag_name][$i] = urldecode($tags[$tag_name][$i]);

      // get the name and ID tags
      $skip_feature = 0; // if there is a problem with any of the attributes this variable gets set
      if (strcmp($tag_name, 'ID') == 0) {
        $attr_uniquename = urldecode($tag[1]);
      elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Name') == 0) {
        $attr_name = urldecode($tag[1]);
      elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'organism') == 0) {
        $attr_organism = urldecode($tag[1]);
        $org_matches = array();
        if (preg_match('/^(.*?):(.*?)$/', $attr_organism, $org_matches)) {
          $values = array(
            'genus' => $org_matches[1],
            'species' => $org_matches[2],
          $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_organism_gesp');
          $org = tripal_core_chado_select('organism', array("*"), $values, $options);
          if (count($org) == 0) {
            if ($create_organism) {
              $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_organism_gesp');
              $feature_organism = (object) tripal_core_chado_insert('organism', $values, $options);
              if (!$feature_organism) {
                watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "Could not add the organism, '%org', from line %line. Skipping this line. ", 
                array('%org' => $attr_organism, '%line' => $line_num), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
                $skip_feature = 1;
            else {
              watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "The organism attribute '%org' on line %line does not exist. Skipping this line. ", 
              array('%org' => $attr_organism, '%line' => $line_num), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
              $skip_feature = 1;
          else {
            // we found the organism in the database so use it
            $feature_organism = $org[0];
        else {
          watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "The organism attribute '%org' on line %line is not properly formated. It " .
            "should be of the form: organism=Genus:species.  Skipping this line.", 
          array('%org' => $attr_organism, '%line' => $line_num), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
          $skip_feature = 1;
      // get the list of non-reserved attributes
      elseif (strcmp($tag_name, 'Alias') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Parent') != 0 and 
        strcmp($tag_name, 'Target') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Gap') != 0 and 
        strcmp($tag_name, 'Derives_from') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Note') != 0 and 
        strcmp($tag_name, 'Dbxref') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'Ontology_term') != 0 and 
        strcmp($tag_name, 'Is_circular') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'target_organism') != 0 and 
        strcmp($tag_name, 'target_type') != 0 and strcmp($tag_name, 'organism' != 0)) {
        foreach ($tags[$tag_name] as $value) {
          $attr_others[$tag_name][] = $value;

    if ($skip_line) {

    // if neither name nor uniquename are provided then generate one
    if (!$attr_uniquename and !$attr_name) {
      // check if an alternate ID field is suggested, if so, then use
      // that for the name
      if (array_key_exists($alt_id_attr, $tags)) {
        $attr_uniquename = $tags[$alt_id_attr][0];
        $attr_name = $attr_uniquename;
      // if the row has a parent then generate a uniquename using the parent name
      // add the date to the name in the event there are more than one child with
      // the same parent.
      elseif (array_key_exists('Parent', $tags)) {
        $date = getdate();
        $attr_uniquename = $tags['Parent'][0] . "-$type-$landmark-" . $date[0] . ":" . ($fmin + 1) . ".." . $fmax;
        $attr_name = $attr_uniquename;
      // generate a unique name based on the date, type and location
      // and set the name to simply be the type
      else {
        $date = getdate();
        $attr_uniquename = $date[0] . "-$type-$landmark:" . ($fmin + 1) . ".." . $fmax;
        $attr_name = $type;

    // if a name is not specified then use the unique name as the name
    if (strcmp($attr_name, '') == 0) {
      $attr_name = $attr_uniquename;

    // if an ID attribute is not specified then use the attribute name plus the date
    if (!$attr_uniquename) {
      $date = getdate();
      $attr_uniquename = $attr_name . '-' . $date[0];

    // make sure the landmark sequence exists in the database.  If the user 
    // has not specified a landmark type (and it's not requiredin the GFF foramt)
    // then We don't know the type of the landmark so we'll hope that it's unique across
    // all types for the orgnaism. Only do this test if the landmark and the feature are
    // different.
    if (!$remove and !(strcmp($landmark, $attr_uniquename) == 0 or strcmp($landmark, $attr_name) == 0)) {
      $select = array(
        'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
        'uniquename' => $landmark,
      $columns = array('count(*) as num_landmarks');
      $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_feature_numland');
      if ($landmark_type) {
        $select['type_id'] = array(
          'name' => $landmark_type,
        $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_feature_numlandty');
      $count = tripal_core_chado_select('feature', $columns, $select, $options);
      if (!$count or count($count) == 0 or $count[0]->num_landmarks == 0) {
        // now look for the landmark using the name rather than uniquename.
        $select = array(
          'organism_id' => $organism->organism_id,
          'name' => $landmark,
        $columns = array('count(*) as num_landmarks');
        $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_feature_numlandna');
        if ($landmark_type) {
          $select['type_id'] = array(
            'name' => $landmark_type,
          $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_feature_numlandnaty');
        $count = tripal_core_chado_select('feature', $columns, $select, $options);
        if (!$count or count($count) == 0 or $count[0]->num_landmarks == 0) {
          watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "The landmark '%landmark' cannot be found for this organism (%species) " .
            "Please add the landmark and then retry the import of this GFF3 " .
            "file", array('%landmark' => $landmark, '%species' => $organism->genus . " " . $organism->species), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
          return '';
        elseif ($count[0]->num_landmarks > 1) {
          watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "The landmark '%landmark' has more than one entry for this organism (%species) " .
            "Cannot continue", array('%landmark' => $landmark, '%species' => $organism->genus . " " . $organism->species), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
          return '';

      if ($count[0]->num_landmarks > 1) {
        watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "The landmark '%landmark' is not unique for this organism. " .
          "The features cannot be associated", array('%landmark' => $landmark), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        return '';

    // if the option is to remove or refresh then we want to remove
    // the feature from the database.
    if ($remove or $refresh) {
      $sql = "DELETE FROM {feature}
              WHERE organism_id = %d and uniquename = '%s' and type_id = %d";
      $match = array(
        'organism_id' => $feature_organism->organism_id,
        'uniquename' => $attr_uniquename,
        'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id
      $result = tripal_core_chado_delete('feature', $match);
      if (!$result) {
        watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "cannot delete feature %attr_uniquename", 
        array('%attr_uniquename' => $attr_uniquename), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      $feature = 0;

    // add or update the feature and all properties
    if ($update or $refresh or $add_only) {

      // add/update the feature
      $feature = tripal_feature_load_gff3_feature($feature_organism, $analysis_id, $cvterm, 
      $attr_uniquename, $attr_name, $residues, $attr_is_analysis, 
      $attr_is_obsolete, $add_only, $score);

      if ($feature) {

        // add a record for this feature to the tripal_gff_temp table for
        // later lookup
        $values = array(
          'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
          'organism_id' => $feature->organism_id,
          'type_name' => $type,
          'uniquename' => $feature->uniquename
        // make sure this record doesn't already exist in oru temp table
        $options = array('statement_name' => 'sel_tripalgfftemp_all');
        $results = tripal_core_chado_select('tripal_gff_temp', array('*'), $values, $options);

        if (count($results) == 0) {
          $options = array('statement_name' => 'ins_tripalgfftemp');
          $result = tripal_core_chado_insert('tripal_gff_temp', $values, $options);
          if (!$result) {
            watchdog('T_gff3_loader', "Cound not save record in temporary table, Cannot continue.", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

        // add/update the featureloc if the landmark and the ID are not the same
        // if they are the same then this entry in the GFF is probably a landmark identifier
        if (strcmp($landmark, $attr_uniquename) != 0) {
          tripal_feature_load_gff3_featureloc($feature, $organism, 
          $landmark, $fmin, $fmax, $strand, $phase, $attr_fmin_partial, 
          $attr_fmax_partial, $attr_residue_info, $attr_locgroup);
        // add any aliases for this feature
        if (array_key_exists('Alias', $tags)) {
          tripal_feature_load_gff3_alias($feature, $tags['Alias']);
        // add any dbxrefs for this feature
        if (array_key_exists('Dbxref', $tags)) {
          tripal_feature_load_gff3_dbxref($feature, $tags['Dbxref']);
        // add any ontology terms for this feature
        if (array_key_exists('Ontology_term', $tags)) {
          tripal_feature_load_gff3_ontology($feature, $tags['Ontology_term']);
        // add parent relationships
        if (array_key_exists('Parent', $tags)) {
          tripal_feature_load_gff3_parents($feature, $cvterm, $tags['Parent'], $feature_organism->organism_id, $fmin);
        // add target relationships
        if (array_key_exists('Target', $tags)) {
          tripal_feature_load_gff3_target($feature, $tags, $target_organism_id, $target_type, $create_target, $attr_locgroup);
        // add gap information.  This goes in simply as a property
        if (array_key_exists('Gap', $tags)) {
          foreach ($tags['Gap'] as $value) {
            tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, 'Gap', $value);
        // add notes. This goes in simply as a property
        if (array_key_exists('Note', $tags)) {
          foreach ($tags['Note'] as $value) {
            tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, 'Note', $value);
        // add the Derives_from relationship (e.g. polycistronic genes).
        if (array_key_exists('Derives_from', $tags)) {
          tripal_feature_load_gff3_derives_from($feature, $tags['Derives_from'][0], $feature_organism);
        // add in the GFF3_source dbxref so that GBrowse can find the feature using the source column
        $source_ref = array('GFF_source:' . $source);
        tripal_feature_load_gff3_dbxref($feature, $source_ref);
        // add any additional attributes
        if ($attr_others) {
          foreach ($attr_others as $tag_name => $values) {
            foreach ($values as $value) {
              tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, $tag_name, $value);


  if (!$remove) {
    print "\nSetting ranks of children...\n";

    // get features in a relationship that are also children of an alignment
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT F.feature_id, F.organism_id, F.type_id, 
              F.uniquename, FL.strand 
            FROM {tripal_gff_temp} TGT 
              INNER JOIN {feature} F                ON TGT.feature_id = F.feature_id
              INNER JOIN {feature_relationship} FR  ON FR.object_id = TGT.feature_id
              INNER JOIN {cvterm} CVT               ON CVT.cvterm_id = FR.type_id  
              INNER JOIN {featureloc} FL            ON FL.feature_id = F.feature_id    
            WHERE = 'part_of'";
    $parents = chado_query($sql);

    // build and prepare the SQL for selecting the children relationship
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT FR.feature_relationship_id, FL.fmin, FR.rank
            FROM {feature_relationship} FR              
              INNER JOIN {featureloc} FL on FL.feature_id = FR.subject_id";
    if (!$connection) {
      $sql .= "WHERE FR.object_id = %d " .
        "ORDER BY FL.fmin ASC ";
    else {
      $sql = "PREPARE sel_gffchildren (int) AS " . $sql . " WHERE FR.object_id = \$1 ORDER BY FL.fmin ASC";
    if (!tripal_core_is_sql_prepared('sel_gffchildren')) {
      $success = tripal_core_chado_prepare('sel_gffchildren', $sql, array('int'));
      if (!$success) {
        watchdog("T_gff3_loader", "Cannot prepare statement 'sel_gffchildren' and cannot set children ranks.", 
        array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
        return 0;

    // now set the rank of any parent/child relationships.  The order is based
    // on the fmin.  The start rank is 1.  This allows features with other
    // relationships to be '0' (the default), and doesn't interfer with the
    // ordering defined here.        
    while ($parent = db_fetch_object($parents)) {

      // get the children
      if ($connection) {
        $result = chado_query('EXECUTE sel_gffchildren (%d)', $parent->feature_id);
      else {
        $result = chado_query($sql, $parent->feature_id);

      // build an array of the children
      $children = array();
      while ($child = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        $children[] = $child;

      // the children list comes sorted in ascending fmin
      // but if the parent is on the reverse strand we need to 
      // reverse the order of the children.
      if ($parent->strand == -1) {

      // first set the ranks to a negative number so that we don't
      // get a duplicate error message when we try to change any of them    
      $rank = -1;
      foreach ($children as $child) {
        $match = array('feature_relationship_id' => $child->feature_relationship_id);
        $options = array('statement_name' => 'upd_featurerelationship_rank');
        $values = array('rank' => $rank);
        tripal_core_chado_update('feature_relationship', $match, $values, $options);
      // now set the rank correctly. The rank should start at 0.
      $rank = 0;
      foreach ($children as $child) {
        $match = array('feature_relationship_id' => $child->feature_relationship_id);
        $options = array('statement_name' => 'upd_featurerelationship_rank');
        $values = array('rank' => $rank);
        //print "Was: " . $child->rank . " now $rank ($parent->strand)\n"     ;
        tripal_core_chado_update('feature_relationship', $match, $values, $options);

  // commit the transaction
  if ($use_transaction) {
  print "Done\n";

  return 1;