function tripal_custom_table_view

2.x tripal_custom_table_view($table_id)
3.x tripal_custom_table_view($table_id)
1.x tripal_custom_table_view($table_id)

A template function which returns markup to display details for the custom table


$table_id: The unique ID of the custom table

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tripal_core/includes/, line 19
Contains functions for creating, editing and deleting custom tables on the Tripal website.


function tripal_custom_table_view($table_id) {

  // get this custom_table details
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM {tripal_custom_tables} WHERE table_id = %d";
  $custom_table = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $table_id));

  // create a table with each row containig stats for
  // an individual job in the results set.
  $return_url = url("admin/tripal/custom_tables/");
  $output .= "<p><a href=\"$return_url\">" . t("Return to list of custom tables") . "</a></p>";
  $output .= "<br />";
  $output .= "<p>Details for <b>$custom_table->table_name</b>:</p>";
  $output .= "<br />";
  $output .= "<table class=\"border-table\">";
  if ($custom_table->table_name) {
    $output .= "  <tr>" .
      "    <th>Table Name</th>" .
      "    <td>$custom_table->table_name</td>" .
      "  </tr>";
  if ($custom_table->schema) {
    $output .= "  <tr>" .
      "    <th>Table Field Definitions</th>" .
      "    <td><pre>" . var_export(unserialize($custom_table->schema), 1) . "</pre></td>" .
      "  </tr>";

  // build the URLs using the url function so we can handle installations where
  // clean URLs are or are not used
  $delete_url = url("admin/tripal/custom_tables/action/delete/$custom_table->table_id");
  $edit_url = url("admin/tripal/custom_tables/edit/$custom_table->table_id");
  $output .= "<tr><th>Actions</th>" .
    "<td>" .
    "     <a href='$edit_url'>Edit</a>, " .
    "     <a href='$delete_url'>Delete</a></td></tr>";
  $output .= "</table>";

  return $output;