function tripal_core_drush_help

2.x tripal_core_drush_help($command)
3.x tripal_core_drush_help($command)
1.x tripal_core_drush_help($command)

Describes each drush command implemented by the module

Return value

The first line of description when executing the help for a given command


tripal_core/, line 14
Contains function relating to drush-integration of this module.


function tripal_core_drush_help($command) {
  switch ($command) {
    // Tripal Materialized Views
    case 'drush:tripal-update-mview':
      return dt('Updates the specified materialized view.');

      // Tripal Jobs
    case 'drush:tripal-launch-jobs':
      return dt('Launches any Tripal jobs waiting in the queue.');
    case 'drush:tripal-current-job':
      return dt('Returns details about the currently running tripal job including percent complete.');
    case 'drush:tripal-rerun-job':
      return dt('Rerun any tripal job in the queue.');

      // Chado-specific
    case 'drush:tripal-chado-version':
      return dt('Returns the current version of chado associated with this drupal site.');
    case 'drush:tripal-chadotable-desc':
      return dt('Returns the table description as specified in the Tripal Schema API for the supplied table.');
