function tripal_example_views_default_views

2.x tripal_example_views_default_views()

Implements hook_views_default_views(). *

1 call to tripal_example_views_default_views()


tripal_example/, line 12
Describe default example views


function tripal_example_views_default_views() {
  $views = array();

  // EXPLANATION: use this function to programmatically define any default
  // Drupal views that your module will provide automatically. Typically there
  // are two default views: 1) one for the administrator to quickly find data
  // managed by your module, or 2) one for users to be able to search for public
  // data.
  // See another Tripal module such as tripal_feature for an example of how to
  // setup a default views.

  return $views;