function theme_tripal_feature_edit_ALL_relationships_form

1.x theme_tripal_feature_edit_ALL_relationships_form($form)

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tripal_feature/includes/, line 498
@todo Add file header description


function theme_tripal_feature_edit_ALL_relationships_form($form) {
  $output = '';

  $output .= '<br /><fieldset>';
  $output .= '<legend>Edit Already Existing Relationships<span class="form-optional" title="This field is optional">(optional)</span></legend>';
  $output .= '<p>Each relationship for this stock is listed below, one per line. The textboxes indicating '
    . 'the subject and object of the relationship can contain the uniquename, name, database '
    . 'reference or synonym of a stock of the same organism.</p>';
  $output .= '<table>';
  $output .= '<tr><th>#</th><th>Subject</th><th>Type</th><th>Object</th><th></th></tr>';

  for ($i = 1; $i <= $form['num_relationships']['#value']; $i++) {
    $output .= '<tr><td>' . drupal_render($form["num-$i"]) . '</td>' .
      '<td>' . drupal_render($form["subject_id-$i"]) . '</td>' .
      '<td>' . drupal_render($form["type_id-$i"]) . '</td>' .
      '<td>' . drupal_render($form["object_id-$i"]) . '</td>' .
      '<td>' . drupal_render($form["submit-$i"]) . '</td></tr>';

  $output .= '</table><br />';
  $output .= drupal_render($form);
  $output .= '</fieldset>';

  return $output;