function theme_tripal_library_node_libraries

1.x tripal_library.module theme_tripal_library_node_libraries($node)

This function shows library information on an organism/feature node

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tripal_library/tripal_library.module, line 329


function theme_tripal_library_node_libraries($node) {
  $content = "";

  // Show library information in a expandable box for a organism page.
  // Make sure we have $node->organism_id. In the case of creating a new
  // organism, the organism_id is not created until we save. This will cause
  // an error when users preview the creation without a $node->organism_id
  if ($node->type == 'chado_organism' && $node->organism_id) {
    $box_status = variable_get("tripal_library-box-libraries", "menu_off");

    if (strcmp($box_status, "menu_off") == 0) {
      return get_tripal_library_organism_libraries($node->nid);
  // Provide library names to show in a feature page.
  // Make sure we have $node->feature->feature_id or there will be an error
  // when a feature is previewed at its creation
  elseif ($node->type == 'chado_feature' && $node->feature->feature_id) {
    $organism_id = $node->feature->organism_id;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {library} L " .
      " INNER JOIN Library_feature LF ON L.library_id = LF.library_id " .
      "WHERE LF.feature_id = " . $node->feature->feature_id;
    $libraries = array();
    $results = chado_query($sql);
    while ($library = db_fetch_object($results)) {
      $libraries[] = $library;
    if (count($libraries) > 0) {
      $lib_additions = array();
      foreach ($libraries as $library) {
        $sql = "SELECT nid FROM {chado_library} WHERE library_id = %d";
        $lib_nid = db_result(db_query($sql, $library->library_id));
        if ($lib_nid) {
          $lib_url = url("node/$lib_nid");
        $lib_additions[$lib_url] = $library->name;
      $node->lib_additions = $lib_additions;
  return $content;