function tripal_organism_node_presave

2.x tripal_organism_node_presave($node)
3.x tripal_organism_node_presave($node)

Implements hook_node_presave(). Acts on all content types.


$node: The node to be saved

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tripal_organism/includes/, line 654
Implements the organims node content type


function tripal_organism_node_presave($node) {
  switch ($node->type) {
    // This step is for setting the title for the Drupal node.  This title
    // is permanent and thus is created to be unique.  Title changes provided
    // by tokens are generated on the fly dynamically, but the node title
    // seen in the content listing needs to be set here. Do not call
    // the chado_get_node_title() function here to set the title as the node
    // object isn't properly filled out and the function will fail.
    case 'chado_organism':
      // when syncing the details are not present in the $node object
      // as they are when submitted via the form.  Therefore, if we do
      // not see any field values from the form, we assume this fucntion
      // is being called for syncing, so we must set the title accordingly
      if (property_exists($node, 'genus')) {
        $node->title = $node->genus . " " . $node->species;
        if (property_exists($node, 'type_id')) {
          $cvterm = tripal_get_cvterm(array('cvterm_id' => $node->type_id));
          if ($cvterm) {
            $node->title .= $cvterm->name . " " . $node->infraspecific_name;
      elseif (property_exists($node, 'organism')) {
        $node->title = $node->organism->genus . " " . $node->organism->species;
        if (property_exists($node, 'type_id')) {
          $node->title .= $node->organism->type_id->name . " " . $node->organism->infraspecific_name;