function tripal_pub_search_form_ajax_button_submit

2.x tripal_pub_search_form_ajax_button_submit()

This function is used to rebuild the form if an ajax call is made vai a button. The button causes the form to be submitted. We don't want this so we override the validate and submit routines on the form button. Therefore, this function only needs to tell Drupal to rebuild the form

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1 string reference to 'tripal_pub_search_form_ajax_button_submit'
tripal_pub_search_form in tripal_pub/includes/
Provides the form to search pubmed


tripal_pub/includes/, line 370
Functions responsible for creating the publication search form that allows a user of the site to search for publications that are currently in Chado.


function tripal_pub_search_form_ajax_button_submit() {
  $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;