function tripal_get_remote_context

3.x tripal_get_remote_context($context_url, $cache_id)

Retrieves the JSON-LD context for any remote Tripal web service.


$context_url: The Full URL for the context file on the remote Tripal site. This URL can be found in the '@context' key of any response from a remote Tripal web services call.

$cache_id: A unique ID for caching of this context result to speed furture queries.

Return value

The JSON-LD context mapping array, or FALSE if the context could not be retrieved.

Related topics

1 call to tripal_get_remote_context()
tripal_get_remote_content_context in tripal_ws/api/
Retrieves the JSON-LD context for a bundle or field on a remote Tripal site.


tripal_ws/api/, line 295
This file provides the Tripal Web Services API: a set of functions for interacting with the Tripal Web Services.


function tripal_get_remote_context($context_url, $cache_id) {

  if (!$context_url) {
    throw new Exception('PLease provide a context_url for the tripal_get_remote_context function.');
  if (!$cache_id) {
    throw new Exception('PLease provide unique $cache_id for the tripal_get_remote_context function.');

  if ($cache = cache_get($cache_id)) {
    return $cache->data;

  $context = drupal_http_request($context_url);
  if (!$context) {
    tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR, 
    'There was a poblem retrieving the context from the remote site: !context_url.', 
    array('!context_url' => $context_url));
    return FALSE;
  $context = drupal_json_decode($context->data);
  $context = $context['@context'];
  cache_set($cache_id, $context);
  return $context;