function tripal_get_remote_field_doc

3.x tripal_get_remote_field_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession)

Retrieves the field information for a content type from a remote Tripal site.

The array returned is equivalent to the Hydra Vocabulary "supportedProperty" stanza that belongs to a Hydra Class (content type).


$site_id: The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.

$bundle_accession: The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type on the remote Tripal site.

$field_accession: The controlled vocabulary term accession for the property (i.e. field) of the Class (i.e. content type).

Return value

A PHP array corresponding to the Hydra property stanza (field) that belongs to the given Class (i.e. a content type). Retruns NULL if the property cannot be found.

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tripal_ws/api/, line 856
This file provides the Tripal Web Services API: a set of functions for interacting with the Tripal Web Services.


function tripal_get_remote_field_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_accession) {

  // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
  $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);

  $class = tripal_get_remote_content_doc($site_id, $bundle_accession);
  $properties = $class['supportedProperty'];
  foreach ($properties as $item) {
    if ($item['property'] == $field_accession) {
      return $item;
  return NULL;