function tripal_load_remote_entity

3.x tripal_load_remote_entity($remote_entity_id, $site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_ids)

Queries a remote site for an entity.

This function returns a "fake" entity containing values for all fields specified.


$remote_entity_id: A remote entity ID.

$site_id: The numeric site ID for the remote Tripal site.

$bundle_accession: The controlled vocabulary term accession for the content type on the remote Tripal site.

$field_ids: The controlled vocabulary term accessions for the fields available on the remote content type. Any remote fields that matches these IDs will be added to the entity returned.

Return value

A fake entity object.

Related topics


tripal_ws/api/, line 561
This file provides the Tripal Web Services API: a set of functions for interacting with the Tripal Web Services.


function tripal_load_remote_entity($remote_entity_id, $site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_ids) {

  // Get the site documentation (loads from cache if already retrieved).
  $site_doc = tripal_get_remote_API_doc($site_id);

  // Get the remote entity and create the fake entity.
  $remote_entity = tripal_get_remote_content($site_id, $bundle_accession . '/' . $remote_entity_id);
  if (!$remote_entity) {
    return FALSE;

  // Start building the fake entity.
  $entity = new stdClass();
  $entity->entityType = 'TripalEntity';
  $entity->entityInfo =[];
  $entity->id = $remote_entity_id;
  $entity->type = 'TripalEntity';
  $entity->bundle = $bundle_accession;
  $entity->site_id = $site_id;

  // Get the context JSON for this remote entity, we'll use it to map
  $context_url = $remote_entity['@context'];
  $context = tripal_get_remote_content_context($site_id, $context_url, $bundle_accession);
  if (!$context) {
    return $entity;

  // Iterate through the fields and the those values to the entity.
  foreach ($field_ids as $field_id) {

    $field = tripal_get_remote_field_info($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_id);
    $instance = tripal_get_remote_field_instance_info($site_id, $bundle_accession, $field_id);
    $field_name = $field['field_name'];

    $field_key = '';
    foreach ($context as $k => $v) {
      if (!is_array($v) and $v == $field_id) {
        $field_key = $k;

    // If the field is not in this remote bundle then add an empty value.
    if (!$field_key) {
      $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value'] = '';
    if (!array_key_exists($field_key, $remote_entity)) {
      $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value'] = '';

    // If the key is for a field that is not "auto attached' then we need
    // to get that field through a separate call.
    $attached = TRUE;
    if (array_key_exists($field_id, $context) and is_array($context[$field_id]) and 
      array_key_exists('@type', $context[$field_id]) and $context[$field_id]['@type'] == '@id') {
      $attached = FALSE;

    // Set the value for this field.
    $value = '';
    if (is_array($remote_entity[$field_key])) {
      $value = _tripal_update_remote_entity_field($remote_entity[$field_key], $context, 1);
    else {
      $value = $remote_entity[$field_key];

    // If the field is not attached then we have to query another level.
    if (!$attached) {

      $field_data = drupal_http_request($value);
      if (!$field_data) {
        tripal_report_error('tripal_ws', TRIPAL_ERROR, 
        'There was a poblem retrieving the unattached field, "!field:", for the remote entity: !entity_id.', 
        array('!field' => $field_id, '!entity_id' => $remote_entity_id));
        $value = '';
      $field_data = drupal_json_decode($field_data->data);

      // Get the context for this field so we can map the keys to the
      // controlled vocabulary accessions. If it fails then skip this field.
      $field_context_url = $field_data['@context'];
      $field_context = tripal_get_remote_content_context($site_id, $field_context_url, $bundle_accession, $field_id);
      if (!$field_context) {
      $value = _tripal_update_remote_entity_field($field_data, $field_context);
    $entity->{$field_name}['und'][0]['value'] = $value;
  return $entity;