
  1. 7.x drupal-7.x/includes/ actions
  2. 6.x drupal-6.x/includes/ actions

Functions that perform an action on a certain system object.

All modules should declare their action functions to be in this group and each action function should reference its configuration form, validate, and submit functions using @see. Conversely, form, validate, and submit functions should reference the action function using @see. For examples of this see comment_unpublish_by_keyword_action(), which has the following in its doxygen documentation:

@ingroup actions @see comment_unpublish_by_keyword_action_form(). @see comment_unpublish_by_keyword_action_submit().

End of "defgroup actions".


drupal-6.x/includes/, line 8
This is the actions engine for executing stored actions.


Namesort descending Location Description
comment_publish_action drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module Action to publish a comment.
comment_unpublish_action drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module Action to unpublish a comment.
comment_unpublish_by_keyword_action drupal-6.x/modules/comment/comment.module Action to unpublish a comment if it contains a certain string.
hook_action_info documentation-6.x/developer/hooks/core.php Declare information about one or more Drupal actions.