function drupal_query_string_encode

6.x drupal_query_string_encode($query, $exclude = array(), $parent = '')

Parse an array into a valid urlencoded query string.


$query: The array to be processed e.g. $_GET.

$exclude: The array filled with keys to be excluded. Use parent[child] to exclude nested items.

$parent: Should not be passed, only used in recursive calls.

Return value

An urlencoded string which can be appended to/as the URL query string.

Related topics

5 calls to drupal_query_string_encode()
drupal_get_destination in drupal-6.x/includes/
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pager_get_querystring in drupal-6.x/includes/
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tablesort_get_querystring in drupal-6.x/includes/
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theme_pager_link in drupal-6.x/includes/
Returns HTML for a link to a specific query result page.
url in drupal-6.x/includes/
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drupal-6.x/includes/, line 227
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function drupal_query_string_encode($query, $exclude = array(), $parent = '') {
  $params = array();

  foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
    $key = rawurlencode($key);
    if ($parent) {
      $key = $parent . '[' . $key . ']';

    if (in_array($key, $exclude)) {

    if (is_array($value)) {
      $params[] = drupal_query_string_encode($value, $exclude, $key);
    else {
      $params[] = $key . '=' . rawurlencode($value);

  return implode('&', $params);