55 calls to format_date()
- CommentPreviewTest::testCommentEditPreviewSave in drupal-7.x/
modules/ comment/ comment.test - Test comment edit, preview, and save.
- comment_admin_overview in drupal-7.x/
modules/ comment/ comment.admin.inc - Form builder for the comment overview administration form.
- comment_form in drupal-7.x/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Generate the basic commenting form, for appending to a node or display on a separate page.
- comment_tokens in drupal-7.x/
modules/ comment/ comment.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- dblog_event in drupal-7.x/
modules/ dblog/ dblog.admin.inc - Page callback: Displays details about a specific database log message.
- dblog_overview in drupal-7.x/
modules/ dblog/ dblog.admin.inc - Page callback: Displays a listing of database log messages.
- DrupalWebTestCase::drupalCreateNode in drupal-7.x/
modules/ simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Creates a node based on default settings.
- FileTokenReplaceTestCase::testFileTokenReplacement in drupal-7.x/
modules/ file/ tests/ file.test - Creates a file, then tests the tokens generated from it.
- FormatDateUnitTest::testAdminDefinedFormatDate in drupal-7.x/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Test admin-defined formats in format_date().
- FormatDateUnitTest::testFormatDate in drupal-7.x/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests for the format_date() function.
- form_process_date in drupal-7.x/
includes/ form.inc - Expands a date element into year, month, and day select elements.
- hook_tokens in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.api.php - Provide replacement values for placeholder tokens.
- hook_watchdog in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.api.php - Log an event message.
- LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest::testLocalizeDateFormats in drupal-7.x/
modules/ locale/ locale.test - Functional tests for localizing date formats.
- locale_date_format_form in drupal-7.x/
modules/ locale/ locale.admin.inc - Provide date localization configuration options to users.
- NodeRevisionsTestCase::testRevisions in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.test - Checks node revision related operations.
- node_admin_nodes in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.admin.inc - Form builder: Builds the node administration overview.
- node_form in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.pages.inc - Form constructor for the node add/edit form.
- node_object_prepare in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.module - Prepares a node object for editing.
- node_revision_delete_confirm in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.pages.inc - Form constructor for the revision deletion confirmation form.
- node_revision_delete_confirm_submit in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.pages.inc - Form submission handler for node_revision_delete_confirm().
- node_revision_overview in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.pages.inc - Generates an overview table of older revisions of a node.
- node_revision_revert_confirm in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.pages.inc - Asks for confirmation of the reversion to prevent against CSRF attacks.
- node_revision_revert_confirm_submit in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.pages.inc - Form submission handler for node_revision_revert_confirm().
- node_show in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.module - Generates an array which displays a node detail page.
- node_tokens in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- poll_votes in drupal-7.x/
modules/ poll/ poll.pages.inc - Callback for the 'votes' tab for polls you can see other votes on
- StatisticsTokenReplaceTestCase::testStatisticsTokenReplacement in drupal-7.x/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.test - Creates a node, then tests the statistics tokens generated from it.
- statistics_access_log in drupal-7.x/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.admin.inc - Page callback: Gathers page access statistics suitable for rendering.
- statistics_node_tracker in drupal-7.x/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.pages.inc - Page callback: Displays statistics for a node.
- statistics_recent_hits in drupal-7.x/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.admin.inc - Page callback: Displays the "recent hits" page.
- statistics_tokens in drupal-7.x/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- statistics_user_tracker in drupal-7.x/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.pages.inc - Page callback: Displays statistics for a user.
- system_add_date_format_type_form in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Add new date type.
- system_configure_date_formats_form in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Allow users to add additional date formats.
- system_date_delete_format_form in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Menu callback; present a form for deleting a date format.
- system_date_delete_format_form_submit in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Delete a configured date format.
- system_date_time_formats in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Displays the date format strings overview page.
- system_date_time_lookup in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Return the date for a given format string via Ajax.
- system_date_time_settings in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Form builder; Configure the site date and time settings.
- system_time_zones in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.module - Generate an array of time zones and their local time&date.
- system_tokens in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- system_token_info in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.tokens.inc - Implements hook_token_info().
- template_preprocess_aggregator_item in drupal-7.x/
modules/ aggregator/ aggregator.pages.inc - Processes variables for aggregator-item.tpl.php.
- template_preprocess_comment in drupal-7.x/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Process variables for comment.tpl.php.
- template_preprocess_node in drupal-7.x/
modules/ node/ node.module - Processes variables for node.tpl.php
- template_preprocess_search_result in drupal-7.x/
modules/ search/ search.pages.inc - Process variables for search-result.tpl.php.
- theme_update_report in drupal-7.x/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Returns HTML for the project status report.
- theme_update_version in drupal-7.x/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Returns HTML for the version display of a project.
- TokenReplaceTestCase::testSystemDateTokenReplacement in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.test - Tests the generation of all system date tokens.
- TokenReplaceTestCase::testTokenReplacement in drupal-7.x/
modules/ system/ system.test - Creates a user and a node, then tests the tokens generated from them.
- TriggerActionTestCase::generateTokenExpandedComparison in drupal-7.x/
modules/ trigger/ trigger.test - Generates a comparison message to match the pre-token-replaced message.
- UserTokenReplaceTestCase::testUserTokenReplacement in drupal-7.x/
modules/ user/ user.test - Creates a user, then tests the tokens generated from it.
- user_pass_reset in drupal-7.x/
modules/ user/ user.pages.inc - Menu callback; process one time login link and redirects to the user page on success.
- user_tokens in drupal-7.x/
modules/ user/ user.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().