function statistics_recent_hits

7.x statistics_recent_hits()
6.x statistics_recent_hits()

Page callback: Displays the "recent hits" page.

This displays the pages with recent hits in a given time interval that haven't been flushed yet. The flush interval is set on the statistics settings form, but is dependent on cron running.

Return value

A render array containing information about the most recent hits.

1 string reference to 'statistics_recent_hits'
statistics_menu in drupal-7.x/modules/statistics/statistics.module
Implements hook_menu().


drupal-7.x/modules/statistics/, line 18
Admin page callbacks for the Statistics module.


function statistics_recent_hits() {
  $header = array(
    array('data' => t('Timestamp'), 'field' => 'a.timestamp', 'sort' => 'desc'),
    array('data' => t('Page'), 'field' => 'a.path'),
    array('data' => t('User'), 'field' => ''),
    array('data' => t('Operations'))

  $query = db_select('accesslog', 'a', array('target' => 'slave'))->extend('PagerDefault')->extend('TableSort');
  $query->join('users', 'u', 'a.uid = u.uid');
  ->fields('a', array('aid', 'timestamp', 'path', 'title', 'uid'))
    ->fields('u', array('name'))

  $result = $query->execute();
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($result as $log) {
    $rows[] = array(
      array('data' => format_date($log->timestamp, 'short'), 'class' => array('nowrap')),
      _statistics_format_item($log->title, $log->path),
      theme('username', array('account' => $log)),
      l(t('details'), "admin/reports/access/$log->aid"));

  $build['statistics_table'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'table',
    '#header' => $header,
    '#rows' => $rows,
    '#empty' => t('No statistics available.'),
  $build['statistics_pager'] = array('#theme' => 'pager');
  return $build;