function tripal_get_cv

2.x tripal_get_cv($identifiers, $options = array())
3.x tripal_get_cv($identifiers, $options = array())

Retrieves a chado controlled vocabulary variable


$identifier: An array with the key stating what the identifier is. Supported keys (only on of the following unique keys is required):

  • cv_id: the chado cv.cv_id primary key.
  • name: the chado field (assume unique).

$options: An array of options. Supported keys include:

  • Any keys supported by chado_generate_var(). See that function definition fot additional details.

NOTE: the $identifier parameter can really be any array similar to $values passed into chado_select_record(). It should fully specify the cv record to be returned.

Return value

If unique values were passed in as an identifier then an object describing the cv will be returned (will be a chado variable from chado_generate_var()). Otherwise, FALSE will be returned.

10 calls to tripal_get_cv()
chado_organism_form in legacy/tripal_organism/includes/
Implement hook_form().
chado_phylotree_form in legacy/tripal_phylogeny/includes/
Implementation of hook_form().
tripal_cv_admin_set_defaults_form in legacy/tripal_cv/includes/
tripal_cv_get_cv in legacy/tripal_cv/api/
tripal_cv_get_cv_by_id in legacy/tripal_cv/api/

... See full list

4 string references to 'tripal_get_cv'


tripal_chado/api/modules/, line 133
These api functions are deprecated, if your site is currently using them please update your code with the newer tripal_chado functions.


function tripal_get_cv($identifiers, $options = array()) {
  chado_get_cv($identifiers, $options);