function tripal_feature_load_gff3_property

2.x tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, $property, $value)
1.x tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, $property, $value)

Load a preoprty (featurepop) for the feature





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1 call to tripal_feature_load_gff3_property()
tripal_feature_load_gff3 in tripal_feature/includes/
Actually load a GFF3 file. This is the function called by tripal jobs


tripal_feature/includes/, line 2012
Provides gff3 loading functionality. Creates features based on their specification in a GFF3 file.


function tripal_feature_load_gff3_property($feature, $property, $value) {

  // first make sure the cvterm exists.  if not, then add it
  $select = array(
    'name' => $property,
    'cv_id' => array(
      'name' => 'feature_property',
  $result = chado_select_record('cvterm', array('*'), $select);

  // if we don't have a property like this already, then add it otherwise, just return
  if (count($result) == 0) {
    $term = array(
      'id' => "null:$property",
      'name' => $property,
      'namespace' => 'feature_property',
      'is_obsolete' => 0,
      'cv_name' => 'feature_property',
      'is_relationship' => FALSE
    $cvterm = (object) tripal_insert_cvterm($term, array('update_existing' => FALSE));
    if (!$cvterm) {
      tripal_report_error("tripal_feature", TRIPAL_WARNING, "Cannot add cvterm, $property", array());
      return 0;
  else {
    $cvterm = $result[0];

  // check to see if the property already exists for this feature
  // if it does but the value is unique then increment the rank and add it.
  // if the value is not unique then don't add it.
  $add = 1;
  $rank = 0;
  $select = array(
    'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
    'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id,
  $options = array(
    'order_by' => array(
      'rank' => 'ASC',
  $results = chado_select_record('featureprop', array('*'), $select, $options);
  foreach ($results as $prop) {
    if (strcmp($prop->value, $value) == 0) {
      $add = NULL; // don't add it, it already exists
    $rank = $prop->rank + 1;

  // add the property if we pass the check above
  if ($add) {
    $values = array(
      'feature_id' => $feature->feature_id,
      'type_id' => $cvterm->cvterm_id,
      'value' => $value,
      'rank' => $rank,
    $result = chado_insert_record('featureprop', $values);
    if (!$result) {
      tripal_report_error("tripal_feature", TRIPAL_WARNING, "cannot add featureprop, $property", array());