function tripal_library_add_taxonomy

1.x tripal_library_add_taxonomy($node, $library_id)

Add the library as a taxonomy term for associating with library_features

Related topics


tripal_library/includes/, line 307


function tripal_library_add_taxonomy($node, $library_id) {

  //include the file containing the required functions.  We only have to
  // do this because Drupal 6 fails to do this globally for us and
  // the drupal_execute function below won't work
  module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.admin');

  /*   // get the vocabulary id
    $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
    $vid = NULL;
    foreach($vocabularies as $vocab){
    if($vocab->name == 'DNA Libraries'){
    $vid = $vocab->vid;

    if(!$vid){  */
  // add the vocabulary
  $vocab_form['values']['name'] = 'DNA Libraries';
  $vocab_form['values']['description'] = 'Allows for associating/searching of library features by library name';
  $vocab_form['values']['help'] = '';
  $vocab_form['values']['module'] = 'taxonomy';
  drupal_execute('taxonomy_form_vocabulary', $vocab_form);
  //   }

  // make sure this term doesn't already exist.  If it doesn't then add it
  if ($vid) {
    $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vid);
    $found = 0;
    foreach ($tree as $term) {
      if ($term->name == $node->title) {
        $found = 1;

    // add the term to the vocabulary
    if (!$found) {
      $form_state = array();
      $form_state['values']['name'] = $node->title;
      $form_state['values']['description'] = $library_id;
      drupal_execute('taxonomy_form_term', $form_state, $vid);