private function TripalContentService_v0_1::doContentTypesList

3.x private TripalContentService_v0_1::doContentTypesList()

Creates a resources that contains the list of content types.

1 call to TripalContentService_v0_1::doContentTypesList()


tripal_ws/includes/TripalWebService/, line 963




private function doContentTypesList() {
  $service_path = $this->getServicePath();
  $service_vocab = new TripalDocService_v0_1($this->base_path);
  $this->resource = new TripalWebServiceCollection($service_path, $this->params);
  $this->resource->addContextItem('vocab', $service_vocab->getServicePath());
  $this->resource->addContextItem('Content_Collection', $service_vocab->getServicePath() . '#Content_Collection');

  $label = tripal_get_term_details('rdfs', 'label');
  $this->addResourceProperty($this->resource, $label, 'Content Types');

  // Get the list of published terms (these are the bundle IDs)
  $bundles = db_select('tripal_bundle', 'tb')
    ->orderBy('tb.label', 'ASC')

  // Iterate through the terms and add an entry in the collection.
  $i = 0;
  while ($bundle = $bundles->fetchObject()) {
    $entity = entity_load('TripalTerm', array('id' => $bundle->term_id));
    $term = reset($entity);
    $vocab = $term->vocab;

    // Convert the term to a simple array
    $term = tripal_get_term_details($term->vocab->vocabulary, $term->accession);

    $member = new TripalWebServiceResource($service_path);
    $member->setID(preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', $bundle->label));

    $vocab_service = new TripalDocService_v0_1($this->base_path);
    $member->addContextItem('vocab', $vocab_service->getServicePath() . '#');
    $accession = preg_replace('/[^\w]/', '_', $bundle->label . ' Collection');
    $member->addContextItem($accession, 'vocab:' . $accession);

    // Make sure the term has a URL.
    $url = $term['url'];
    if (!$url) {
      throw new Exception(t('Missing a URL for the term: @term.', array('@term' => $term['vocabulary']['short_name'] . ':' . $term['accession'])));
    $this->addResourceProperty($member, $label, $bundle->label . ' Collection');
    $member->addContextItem('description', 'rdfs:comment');
    // Get the bundle description. If no description is provided then
    // use the term definition
    $description = trim(tripal_get_bundle_variable('description', $bundle->id));
    if (!$description) {
      $description = $term['definition'];
    if (!$description) {
      $description = '';
    $member->addProperty('description', 'A collection of ' . $bundle->label . ' resources: ' . lcfirst($description));
