class TripalDocService_v0_1


Expanded class hierarchy of TripalDocService_v0_1

2 string references to 'TripalDocService_v0_1'
tripal_ws_get_services in tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module
The callback function for all RESTful web services.
tripal_ws_list_services in tripal_ws/tripal_ws.module
Generates the list of services as the "home page" for Tripal web services.


tripal_ws/includes/TripalWebService/, line 3

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class TripalDocService_v0_1 extends TripalWebService {

   * The human-readable label for this web service.
  public static $label = 'API Documentation';
   * A bit of text to describe what this service provides.
  public static $description = 'Provides Hydra style documenation to make this RESTful webservice discoverable.';
   * A machine-readable type for this service. This name must be unique
   * among all Tripal web services and is used to form the URL to access
   * this service.
  public static $type = 'doc';

   * The list of web services.
  private $services;

   * Constructor for the TripalDocService_v0_1 class.
  public function __construct($base_path) {

    // Get the list of services provided by this Tripal site.
    $this->services = tripal_get_web_services();
    foreach ($this->services as $sindex => $service_class) {
      // Load the class code.

      // Remove this class from the list of services.
      if ($service_class::$type == 'vocab') {

   * @see TripalWebService::handleRequest()
  public function handleRequest() {

    // Create the vocabulary resource.
    $this->resource->addContextItem('vocab', $this->getServicePath() . '#');
    $this->resource->addContextItem('apiDocumentation', 'hydra:apiDocumentation');
    $this->resource->addContextItem('supportedClass', 'hydra:supportedClass');
    $this->resource->setID('doc/' . $this->getVersion());

    // Add the EntryPoint class.
    foreach ($this->documentation as $supported) {
      $this->resource->addProperty('supportedClass', $supported);

    // Iterate through all of the web services and build their documentation
    foreach ($this->services as $service_class) {
      $service = new $service_class($this->base_path);
      $supported_classes = $service->getDocumentation();
      foreach ($supported_classes as $supported) {
        $this->resource->addProperty('supportedClass', $supported);

   * Generates the EntryPoint class for the API documents.
   * @return TripalWebServiceResource
  private function addEntryPointClass() {

    $service_path = $this->getServicePath();
    $details = array(
      'id' => $service_path . '#EntryPoint',
      'term' => 'vocab:EntryPoint',
      'title' => 'EntryPoint',
      'description' => 'The main entry point or homepage of the API',
      'subClassOf' => NULL,

    // Add each service as a property.
    $properties = array();
    foreach ($this->services as $service_class) {
      $service = new $service_class($this->base_path);

      // Create a WebServiceResource for the hydra:Link type.
      $link = new TripalWebServiceResource($this->base_path);
      $link->setID('vocab:EntryPoint/' . $service::$type);
      $link->addContextItem('domain', array(
        "@id" => "rdfs:domain",
        "@type" => "@id"
      $link->addContextItem('range', array(
        "@id" => "rdfs:range",
        "@type" => "@id"
      $link->addContextItem('readable', 'hydra:readable');
      $link->addContextItem('writeable', 'hydra:writeable');
      $link->addContextItem('required', 'hydra:required');
      $link->addContextItem('description', 'rdfs:comment');
      $link->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
      $link->addProperty('hydra:title', $service_class::$label);
      $link->addProperty('hydra:description', $service_class::$description);
      //       $link->addProperty('domain', $service_path . '#EntryPoint');
      //       $link->addProperty('range', $service_class::$label);

      $ops = array();
      $op = new TripalWebServiceResource($this->base_path);

      $op->setID('_:' . $service::$type . '_retrieve');
      $op->addContextItem('method', 'hydra:method');
      $op->addContextItem('label', 'rdfs:label');
      $op->addContextItem('description', 'rdfs:comment');
      $op->addContextItem('expects', array(
        "@id" => "hydra:expects",
        "@type" => "@id"
      $op->addContextItem('returns', array(
        "@id" => "hydra:returns",
        "@type" => "@id"
      $op->addContextItem('statusCodes', 'hydra:statusCodes');
      $op->addProperty('method', "GET");
      $op->addProperty('label', 'Retrieves the ' . $service_class::$label . ' resource.');
      $op->addProperty('description', NULL);
      $op->addProperty('expects', NULL);
      $op->addProperty('returns', 'local:EntryPoint/' . $service::$type);
      $op->addProperty('statusCodes', array());
      $ops[] = $op;
      $link->addContextItem('supportedOperation', 'hydra:supportedOperation');
      $link->addProperty('supportedOperation', $ops);

      $property = array(
        'type' => $link,
        'title' => $service_class::$label,
        'description' => $service_class::$description,
        'domain', 'vocab:EntryPoint',
        'range', $service->getServicePath(),
      $properties[] = $property;

    $operations = array();
    $operations['GET'] = array(
      'label' => "The APIs main entry point.",
      'description' => NULL,
      'expects' => NULL,
      'returns' => $service_path . '#EntryPoint',
      'type' => '_:entry_point_retrieve'

    $this->addDocClass($details, $operations, $properties);


Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description
TripalDocService_v0_1::$description public static property A bit of text to describe what this service provides. Overrides TripalWebService::$description
TripalDocService_v0_1::$label public static property The human-readable label for this web service. Overrides TripalWebService::$label
TripalDocService_v0_1::$services private property The list of web services.
TripalDocService_v0_1::$type public static property A machine-readable type for this service. This name must be unique among all Tripal web services and is used to form the URL to access this service. Overrides TripalWebService::$type
TripalDocService_v0_1::addEntryPointClass private function Generates the EntryPoint class for the API documents.
TripalDocService_v0_1::handleRequest public function Overrides TripalWebService::handleRequest
TripalDocService_v0_1::__construct public function Constructor for the TripalDocService_v0_1 class. Overrides TripalWebService::__construct
TripalWebService::$base_path protected property The URL at which Tripal web services are found. This is used for creating the IRI for resources.
TripalWebService::$documentation protected property The list of documented classes used by this service. For the web service to be discoverable all of the entity classes and their collections must be defined.
TripalWebService::$params protected property The set of paramters provided to the sesrvice. These are the values that would occur in a URL after the question mark in an HTTP GET or the data items of an HTTP POST.
TripalWebService::$path protected property An array containing the elements of the URL path. Each level of the URL appears in a separate element of the array. The service type and version are automatically removed from the array.
TripalWebService::$resource protected property The resource that will be returned by the webservice given the arguments provided. This is a private
TripalWebService::addContextTerm protected function Adds a term to the '@context' section for a given resource.
TripalWebService::addContextVocab protected function Adds a vocabulary to the '@context' section for a given resource.
TripalWebService::addDocClass protected function Defines an entity class for the web services.
TripalWebService::addResourceProperty public function Adds a key/value property to the given resource.
TripalWebService::generateDocClassOp private function A helper function for the addClass() function for generating an operation.
TripalWebService::generateDocClassProp private function A helper function for the addClass() function for generating a property.
TripalWebService::getContext public function Retrieves the context section of the response.
TripalWebService::getContextTerm protected function Converts a term array into an value appropriate for an @id or @type.
TripalWebService::getData public function Retrieves the data section of the response.
TripalWebService::getDocumentation public function Retrieves an array contining the supported classes.
TripalWebService::getResponse public function Returns the full web service response.
TripalWebService::getServicePath public function Retrieves the service URL for this service.
TripalWebService::getVersion public function Retrieves the version number for this web service.
TripalWebService::setError public function Set an error for the service.
TripalWebService::setParams public function Sets the parameters for the resource.
TripalWebService::setPath public function Sets the URL path for the resource being called.
TripalWebService::setResource public function Sets the resource to be returned by this web service.
TripalWebService::setResourceType public function Sets the type for the given resource.