function tripal_ws_load_remote_entity
3.x tripal_ws.module | tripal_ws_load_remote_entity($site_id, $api_version, $ctype, $id) |
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function tripal_ws_load_remote_entity($site_id, $api_version, $ctype, $id) {
// Get the content type on this site
$bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(array('label' => $ctype));
$term = entity_load('TripalTerm', array('id' => $bundle->term_id));
$term = reset($term);
$vocab = $term->vocab;
$query = db_select('tripal_sites', 'ts');
$query->condition('id', $site_id);
$site = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
if (!$site) {
return 'Could not find specified site.';
// Get the content from the web services of the remote site.
$url = $site->url . "/ws/v0.1/content/" . $ctype . "/" . $id;
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$response = json_decode($json, TRUE);
// Set the title for this page to match the title provided.
// Attribute this data to the proper source.
$source_url = l($response['label'], $response['ItemPage'], array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank')));
$content = '<div><strong>Source:</strong> ' . $site->name . ': ' . $source_url . '</div>';
// Fake an entity so we can display this content using the same
// entity type on this site.
$entity = new TripalEntity(array(), 'TripalEntity');
$entity->id = 807;
$entity->type = 'TripalEntity';
$entity->bundle = $bundle->name;
$entity->term_id = $term->id;
$entity->title = $response['label'];
$entity->uid = 1;
$entity->status = 1;
// Get the fields and create a list of those that are attached to the bundle.
$fields = field_info_fields();
$my_fields = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($field['bundles']['TripalEntity'])) {
foreach ($field['bundles']['TripalEntity'] as $bundle_name) {
if ($bundle_name == $bundle->name) {
$my_fields[] = $field;
// Add in the value for the 'content_type' field.
$entity->content_type = array();
$entity->content_type['und'][0]['value'] = $bundle->label;
// For each field we know about that should be attached to our bundle,
// see if we can find a corresponding entry in the results returned from
// the web service call. If so, then add the field to our fake entity.
foreach ($my_fields as $field) {
// Get the semantic web term for this field.
$field_name = $field['field_name'];
$settings = $field['settings'];
// If the field does not have a semantic web mapping, then skip it.
if (!isset($settings['semantic_web'])) {
// Convert the term into it's db and accession elements and look it up
// for more details.
list($vocabulary, $accession) = explode(':', $settings['semantic_web']);
$term = tripal_get_term_details($vocabulary, $accession);
// Convert the term to lowercase and remove spaces so we can compare
// correctly.
$term_name = strtolower(preg_replace('/ /', '_', $term['name']));
// TODO: check for the term in the response makes the assumption
// that the term is the same on both sides. This may not be true. The
// acutal vocab and accession for both terms should be compared.
if (isset($response[$term_name])) {
// If this field is of type '@id' then this links out to another
// URL where that information can be retrieved. We'll have to
// handle that separately.
if (isset($response['@context'][$term_name]['@type']) and
$response['@context'][$term_name]['@type'] == '@id') {
$subquery = json_decode(file_get_contents($response[$term_name]), TRUE);
// If the result is a collection then we want to add each value with
// it's own delta value.
if (array_key_exists('@type', $subquery) and $subquery['@type'] == 'Collection') {
$i = 0;
$f = array();
foreach ($subquery['member'] as $member) {
$f['und'][$i]['value'] = $member;
$entity->$field_name = $f;
// If the result is not a collection then just add it.
else {
$f = array();
$f['und'][0]['value'] = $subquery;
$entity->$field_name = $f;
// For all fields that are currently attached, add the field and
// value to the entity.
else {
$f = array();
$f['und'][0]['value'] = $response[$term_name];
$entity->$field_name = $f;
// Generate the View for this entity
$entities = array();
$entities[] = $entity;
$view = entity_view('TripalEntity', $entities);
$content .= drupal_render($view['TripalEntity'][807]);
return $content;