function views_ui_preview

3.x views_ui_preview($view, $display_id, $args = array())
2.x views_ui_preview($js, $view)

Page callback for the live preview.

@todo make this use a template

1 string reference to 'views_ui_preview'


includes/, line 344 Provides the Views' administrative interface.


function views_ui_preview($js, $view) {
  // Take off the items we know so that we can have just the args passed
  // in for later use.
  $func_args = func_get_args();
  array_shift($func_args); // $js
  array_shift($func_args); // $view
  $display_id = (count($func_args)) ? array_shift($func_args) : 'default';

  $form_state = array(
    'display_id' => $display_id,
    'view_args' => $func_args ? implode('/', $func_args) : '',
    'rerender' => TRUE,
    'no_redirect' => TRUE,
    'view' => &$view,
    'ajax' => $js

  $output = drupal_build_form('views_ui_preview_form', $form_state);
  $args = array();
  if (isset($form_state['view_args']) && $form_state['view_args'] !== '') {
    $args = explode('/', $form_state['view_args']);

  $errors = $view->validate();
  if ($errors === TRUE) {
    $view->ajax = $js;
    $view->live_preview = TRUE;

    // Store the current view URL for later use:

    if ($view->display_handler->get_option('path')) {
      $path = $view->get_url();

    // Make view links come back to preview.
    $view->override_path = 'admin/build/views/nojs/preview/' . $view->name . '/' . $form_state['display_id'];

    // also override $_GET['q'] so we get the pager
    $_GET['q'] = $view->override_path;
    if ($form_state['view_args']) {
      $_GET['q'] .= '/' . $form_state['view_args'];

    $preview = $view->preview($form_state['display_id'], $args);

    // Get information from the preview for display.
    if (!empty($view->build_info['query'])) {
      $rows = array();
      $query = db_prefix_tables($view->build_info['query']);
      if ($view->build_info['query_args']) {
        _db_query_callback($view->build_info['query_args'], TRUE);
        $query = preg_replace_callback(DB_QUERY_REGEXP, '_db_query_callback', $query);
      $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Query') . '</strong>', '<pre>' . check_plain($query) . '</pre>');
      if (!empty($view->additional_queries)) {
        $queries = '<strong>' . t('These queries were run during view rendering:') . '</strong>';
        foreach ($view->additional_queries as $query) {
          if ($queries) {
            $queries .= "\n";
          $queries .= t('[@time ms]', array('@time' => intval($query[1] * 100000) / 100)) . ' ' . check_plain($query[0]);

        $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Other queries') . '</strong>', '<pre>' . $queries . '</pre>');

      $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Title') . '</strong>', filter_xss_admin($view->get_title()));
      if (isset($path)) {
        $path = l($path, $path);
      else {
        $path = t('This display has no path.');

      $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Path') . '</strong>', $path);

      $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Query build time') . '</strong>', t('@time ms', array('@time' => intval($view->build_time * 100000) / 100)));
      $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('Query execute time') . '</strong>', t('@time ms', array('@time' => intval($view->execute_time * 100000) / 100)));
      $rows[] = array('<strong>' . t('View render time') . '</strong>', t('@time ms', array('@time' => intval($view->render_time * 100000) / 100)));
      drupal_alter('views_preview_info', $rows, $view);

      $info = theme('table', array(), $rows);
    else {
      $info = theme('table', array(), array(array('<strong>' . t('Query') . '</strong>', t('No query was run'))));
  else {
    foreach ($errors as $error) {
      drupal_set_message($error, 'error');
    $preview = t('Unable to preview due to validation errors.');
    $info = '';

  $info = '<div class="views-query-info">' . $info . '</div>';

  if (variable_get('views_ui_query_on_top', FALSE)) {
    $output .= $info . $preview;
  else {
    $output .= $preview . $info;

  if (!$js) {
    return $output;
  else {
    $object = new stdClass();
    if (!empty($view->js_settings)) {
      $object->js = $view->js_settings;
    $object->display = '';
    if ($messages = theme('status_messages')) {
      $object->display = '<div class="views-messages">' . $messages . '</div>';
    $object->display .= $output;
    $object->title = $view->get_title();