function _views_discover_default_views

2.x _views_discover_default_views()

Scan all modules for default views and rebuild the default views cache.

Return value

An associative array of all known default views.

1 call to _views_discover_default_views()
views_discover_default_views in ./views.module
Scan all modules for default views and rebuild the default views cache.


includes/, line 98


function _views_discover_default_views() {
  static $cache = NULL;

  if (!isset($cache)) {
    $index = views_cache_get('views_default_views_index', TRUE);

    // Retrieve each cached default view
    if (isset($index->data) && is_array($index->data)) {
      $cache = array();
      foreach ($index->data as $view_name) {
        $data = views_cache_get('views_default:' . $view_name, TRUE);
        if (isset($data->data) && is_object($data->data)) {
          $cache[$view_name] = $data->data;
    // If missing index, rebuild the cache
    else {
      $cache = array();

      foreach (module_implements('views_default_views') as $module) {
        $results = call_user_func($module . "_views_default_views");
        if (!empty($results) && is_array($results)) {
          foreach ($results as $name => $view) {
            // Only views with a sufficiently high api version are eligible.
            if (!empty($view->api_version) && $view->api_version >= 2) {
              // Do not cache dead handlers.
              if (!isset($cache[$name])) {
                $cache[$name] = $view;
              else {
                watchdog('view', "View name '@name' is already taken", array('@name' => $name), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

      // Allow modules to modify default views before they are cached.
      drupal_alter('views_default_views', $cache);

      // Cache the index
      $index = array_keys($cache);
      views_cache_set('views_default_views_index', $index, TRUE);

      // Cache each view
      foreach ($cache as $name => $view) {
        views_cache_set('views_default:' . $name, $view, TRUE);

  return $cache;