function theme_views_tabset

2.x theme_views_tabset($tabs, $extra = NULL, $selected = NULL)

Render a tabset.

@todo Turn this into a template.

1 theme call to theme_views_tabset()
views_tabset::render in includes/
Output the HTML for the tabs.


includes/, line 168
Classes and theme functions for rendering javascript UI tabs.


function theme_views_tabset($tabs, $extra = NULL, $selected = NULL) {
  $link_output = "<div class=\"views-tabs\"><ul id=\"views-tabset\">\n";
  $tab_output = "<div class=\"views-tab-area\">\n";

  foreach ($tabs as $name => $tab) {
    $link_output .= '<li' . ($name == $selected ? ' class="active"' : '') . '><a href="#views-tab-' . $tab->name . '" id="views-tab-title-' . $tab->name . '">' . check_plain($tab->title) . '</a></li>' . "\n";
    $tab_output .= '<div id="views-tab-' . $tab->name . '" class="views-tab">' . $tab->render() . "</div>\n";
  $link_output .= "</ul>\n";

  if ($extra) {
    $link_output .= "<div class=\"extra\">$extra</div>\n";

  $link_output .= "</div>\n";
  $tab_output .= "</div>\n";
  return '<div class="views-tabset clear-block">' . $link_output . $tab_output . '</div>';